
Professional Site


2010-08-10 20:58:52 | 情報


The term "Covered Liabilities" means (1) all liabilities and obligations of the Covered BSC Entities as borrower under revolving credit or term loan facilities, whether secured or unsecured, and (2) all liabilities and obligations (whether absolute or contingent) of the Covered BSC Entities that are in existence as of the date hereof or that arise during the Guaranty Period, to the extent (and only to the extent) that such liabilities or obligations arise under the terms of: securities contracts (including but not limited to contracts for the purchase, sale, loan or borrowing of a security or loan or a group or index of securities or loans, or options with respect thereto or interests therein), commodity contracts (including but not limited to contracts for storage, capacity, transmission, freight, transportation and other ancillary services and products), forward contracts, tolling agreements, energy management agreements, repurchase or reverse repurchase agreements, swap agreements, options or other derivatives, settlement or clearing contracts, margin loan agreements or other contracts or transactions similar to any of the foregoing (all of the foregoing collectively, whether exchange-traded or over-the-counter, whether physically settled or financially settled, "Trading Contracts"); provided, however, that-------.

 この英文は、米国の金融機関JPモルガンがベア・スターンズ・グループを買収した際に、ベア・スターンズの債務の保証人となった「保証契約書」の一部で、"Covered Liabilities"(保証対象債務)の意味を明らかにした定義条項。破線で示した省略部分を含めると全体で23行もある。保証契約書は保証の対象を詳細に定義する必要があるため、どうしても長文になりやすい。こうした長文を学校の英文解釈式に後ろから訳し上げたのではどうにもならないが、英文翻訳の原則に従って、つまり、なるべく原文の思考の流れに沿って区切りながら訳すと、比較的自然な訳文を作りやすい。
 この文の基本情報は、「保証対象債務」が(1)と(2)の二つであるということ。to the extent (and only to the extent) that such liabilities or obligations arise under the terms of:以下はその二つの「保証対象債務」の範囲をさらに絞り込んだ重要な部分であるが、この部分が(1)と(2)の両方にかかっていることは、and (2)………….……. during the Guaranty Periodの前後をコンマで区切って挿入句の形にしてあることからも明らかである。
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