文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

it will be a long-term battle between countries that keep the rules and those that do not

2019年06月22日 07時56分20秒 | 日記

Ms.Yoshiko Sakurai is also a Japanese treasure.
The following is from her monthly serialization column published in Sankei Shimbun on the 1st and 2nd sides of today.
Overcome Reiwa with the amendment of the constitution
The beginning of the Heisei era was the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Tiananmen case.
The collapse of the Soviet Union exposed the limits of the socialist faction, and the Tiananmen incident revealed the oddities of the Communist Party of China, which would not survive without complete repression of freedom and human rights.
Japan spent 30 years of peace under America's Strongest Era.
Natural disasters occurred frequently, but it was a prosperous and peaceful era as a whole.
However, it can say that this peace not won Japan itself, but realized by the protection of the United States.
In the Reiwa era, Japan needs extraordinary efforts to enjoy the same peace and prosperity as ever.
Is it not a symbol of how much the situation of a Japanese footing drawing near that North Korea launched a missile to the opening of Reiwa?
The US-China confrontation that begins with the trade war is likely to deepen into a more serious fight, although the possibility of dramatic reconciliation is not zero. It is a conflict of values, and it will be a long-term battle between countries that keep the rules and those that do not.
Among them, Japan has no choice but to reach the United States, but that U.S. requires Japanese independence.
It is essential to make a speedy constitutional revision and to increase the independence of the nation. While the deepening of the US-China confrontation expected, crisis handling of a footing is nothing that waited.
As of June 2, four large ships of the China Maritime Police Department are invading the connecting waters of the Senkaku Islands for 52 consecutive days.
The city council of Ishigaki City, Okinawa Prefecture, warns that the whole world must share the crisis that the four vessels navigate the waters of the Senkaku 24 hours a day, frequently entering the territorial seas.
The size of Chinese ships has increased, and a total of four boats of two 5000 ton class ships and two 3000 ton class ships have become a form of monitoring Japanese vessels in the connecting waters leading to the territorial seas.
The hull is solid iron and some ships armed with 30 mm guns.
The China Maritime Police Agency, to which they belong, was incorporated into the People's Armed Police Force of the Chinese Military Commission last July.
A Chinese ship that looks at the territory of Japan is both abilities and affiliations are military.
In contrast, the Japan Coast Guard ships are 1,500 tons, and the speed prioritized, and the hull is light and fragile.
The gun is 20 mm.
It is natural to wonder if this will cope with China's threat, even if the scene's morale is high.
Also, there is a threat to China, which should be called 'Senkaku no plan' (formerly Mr. Robert Eldridge, Deputy Director General of Foreign Affairs, Okinawa, US Marine Corps).
The no action against the Senkaku is the most concentrated in Okinawa.
Fishing boats fishing around the Senkaku Islands were followed by a Chinese ship for about an hour on May 24 on the way back to Ishigaki Island.
Though it guarded against either side at the time to the ship of Japan Coast Guard and got away,
"The Chinese vessels are patrolling. You must refrain from deliberately stimulating," criticized the local fishermen, said Mr. Tamaki Denny of Okinawa prefectural governor.
* This Tamaki Denny is not Japanese but Chinese.
The Iwate people who chose Ichiro Ozawa who made such asshole a follower must be ashamed until the last generation.
Such an asshole aspect and vulgar women aspect are perfect in the Okinawan people's traitor, whose governor is a guy equal to such a traitor *
It is the Chinese side that stimulates Japan lawlessly, and Mr. Tamaki's mistaking the insignificant for the essential remarks is terrible.
This manuscript continues.


