文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Mimurotoji Temple in Uji is one of the places I go to in the GW season.

2019年06月22日 08時00分08秒 | 日記

Mimurotoji Temple in Uji is one of the places I go to in the GW season.
It is no exaggeration to say that the landscape of the azalea and the feast of nightingale here is Japan's best.
I visited twice again this year.
It is the second time.
In the taxi on the way back to Uji Station, the driver said to us, 'This year the reputation of the Byodo-in's wisteria is good,' so I immediately changed the schedule and headed to the Byodoin Temple.
In the last decade, I have come here, also dozens of times.
The wisteria was as impressive as it could ever be said.
Though it came to a museum in because what it returns only in Mimurotoji temple, too,
A museum here is still excellent.
You may come many times.
Here is best, then, a companion, too, nods.
As I mentioned earlier, I think that the sculptures of the bodhisattva who play various instruments coming with Amida Nyorai are one of the best in the world.
Needless to say that all the exhibition items are exceptional.

The nobles relied on Amida Buddha and, hoping to be welcomed to the Sukhavati paradise, had many 'raigo-zu' (images of the Amida Buddha's descent to embrace the dying) drawn and had Byodo-in Temple built at Uji.
When I saw this painting, I was surprised that in my mind it was Bob Dylan's song that flowed.
But I immediately thought, yes, his song is such a song, and along with John Lennon, it is music that has supported my life.
... I also wondered why it was the ♬ Jokerman ♬ that came from within it.
If you read the lyrics, the readers of the discerning man will think it is just like his songs to do that.


Bob Dylan - Jokerman


