文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

There is no need for the athletes to attend such an opening ceremony and wave to the villains

2022年01月31日 14時27分57秒 | 全般

The following is from today's Sankei Shou.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but also for people worldwide.
Especially for those in Germany, the U.S., the U.N., etc., who believe in the anti-Japanese propaganda of China and South Korea, which continue to practice Nazism in the name of anti-Japanese education.
In particular, university professors who, despite their titles as scholars, have taken to heart the words of the Nazis who grew up with the above-mentioned Nazi education and carried out the anti japan movement must read this book.
It is a must-read for the genuinely incompetent, stupefyingly stupid, and vicious professors in the U.S.
They, in response to the perfectly sane and truthful article by Professor Ramseyer of Harvard University, not only wrote the paper but also, of course, conducted a campaign against him.

The saying goes, "January goes by, February runs away, and March goes away.
As soon as the year started, the sixth wave of the corona scourge struck, and while everyone and their cat was screaming "Omicron, Omicron, Omicron," the month of Mutsuki passed, and now it is Kisaragi.
The Winter Olympics will start in Beijing this Friday, and it seems that time will pass as if to escape in February, but there has never been an Olympics far from the word that we have been waiting for this time.
Yuzuru Hanyu, a men's figure skating player who will win the championship for the third time in a row, Murase Kokochi, a 17-year-old aiming for a gold medal on a snowboard, and no lack of subjects to the hottest players.
The Corona disaster, which could end at any moment, is certainly weighing on the minds of many. 
Still, China's stubborn behavior, which is not typical of a host country, turns sports lovers off.
A good example is that the Taiwanese team was forced into a situation where they could not attend the opening ceremony.
Until now, the Chinese character notation of the Taiwanese delegation has been referred to as "中華台北" as a product of compromise and was followed at the Tokyo Olympics last summer. 
This time, China took the liberty of changing it to "中国台北.
One character difference makes a big difference.
The Chinese are trying to give the world the impression that Taiwan is a part of China.
What is the International Olympic Committee (IOC) doing, which has to intervene?
President Bach, nicknamed the "Baron of Rip-offs," himself told President Xi Jinping that the international community is also opposed to the politicization of sports, so what does he have to say?
The world's "villains," including Russian President Vladimir Putin and Kazakhstan's President Mikhail Tokayev, will gather at the opening ceremony. 
At the China-Russia summit meeting held at the ceremony, they will discuss the situation in Ukraine, so that is the "politicization of sports."
There is no need for the athletes to attend such an opening ceremony and wave to the villains.

