文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It is still declining, and even a reduction of half will not stop it. 

2024年06月06日 17時29分01秒 | 全般

During the Japanese annex period, we built various dams in North Korea, including the Sup'ung Dam, to support the electricity supply. Moreover, we gave loans after the war as well. It has not been returned since 1975.
Jul 30, 2019
During the Japanese annex period, we built various dams in North Korea, including the Suifung Dam, to support the electricity supply. 
It is a chapter that I sent out on 2018-06-28 titled: "The Japanese Government of North Korea. 
The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
Preamble omitted. 
According to the New York Times, there are about a hundred abductees in Japan, and currently, about 30 are said to be alive. 
North Korea will return these 30 people to Japan, and the rest will come to Japan to beg for money, but Japan does not know the total number of people they have abducted. 
But we will insist that all of them return home, and until then, we will not offer any economic cooperation. 
If this happens, North Korea will confess all of its various past crimes. 
In other words, we need to negotiate to the point of whether Japan needs to pay compensation to North Korea.
During Japanese rule, various dams, including the Sup'ung Dam, were built in the then-North Korean region to support the electricity supply. Moreover, we continued to provide loans after the war. 
Since 1975, they have yet to return the loans. 
We must also settle these loans that should have been paid in full. 
Adding up these loans will show the world that the North is not in a position to ask Japan to give them money. 
You are right.  
This article continues.

We will also settle the regular loans that should be paid. 
If we add up those loans, it will be shown to the whole world that the North is not in a position to ask Japan for money.

The "This is poison gas," "coral graffiti," "NHK program revision lies," and other malicious reports have been totaled, and an avalanche of subscribers have begun to give up on Asahi. 
July 30, 2019
Asahi describes Abenomics, which has been so successful, as "no trickle down" and "a failure." 
That's just your place. 
It is from an article by Masayuki Takayama, which I sent out on 2018-11-15, titled "Abenomics."

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter. 
It all started at a debate between party leaders before Abe took office as prime minister for the second term. Mr. Abe pointed out that the comfort women issue was fake news from the Asahi Shimbun, which was riding on the coattails of the con man Yoshida Seiji.
He said it is a hoax newspaper that lacks the qualifications of a newspaper. 
The supposed kingmaker, Asahi, swooned at this insult. 
Their orchestrated retaliation resulted in a total defeat. 
They admitted that Seiji Yoshida had lied, and even the president was fired. 
But that was not all. 
The news of the "poison gas," "coral graffiti," and "lies about NHK's programming changes" were all reported with such malicious intent that an avalanche of subscribers began to give up on the Asahi paper. 
The Mainichi Shimbun lost a third of its circulation in the case of Nishiyama Taikichi, who toyed with a female clerk at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and threw her away like a rag.
But the Asahi has lost more than that. 
It is still declining, and even a reduction of half will not stop it. 
There is no money for news coverage, no cab tickets, and the nightly rounds used to be by hired car, but now it is by subway. 
In addition, they have decided to cut salaries by an average of 1.6 million yen per person. 
The Asahi newspaper says that Abenomics, which has been such a success, is a failure because there is no trickle-down effect. 
That's just your part of the story. 
They blame Abe for the worsening performance and curse him down. Now that they are poor, Seiki Nemoto, the chief editorial writer, and others are running amok with lies and anything else to destroy Abe. 
This article continues.

2024/6/4 in Kanazawa


