文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The Difference between a Party Vote and a Parliamentary Vote

2021年10月26日 17時08分30秒 | 全般

The following is from a serial conversation between Mr. Tsutsumi Gyo (a senior at my alma mater) and Mr. Kubo Hiroyuki that appeared in today's issue of the monthly magazine Hanada under the title "Japan Terminal" is Taro Kono's Fatal Flaw.
I want to share with you the part that proves that I hit the nail on the head in the chapter I wrote on 2021-09-30 titled "Stop using the sophistry of the party members' votes, which were arbitrarily created by Shigeru Ishiba taking advantage of his privilege as secretary-general, as the voice of the people."
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but also for people worldwide.
Please go ahead and re-read my chapter.
Before the LDP presidential election, I had no idea that Sanae Takaichi was an articulate and great politician.
In addition, I was convinced that Sanae Takaichi was the right person to be the first female prime minister in Japan's history after I confirmed that she had been working out her back and abdominal muscles every day, in other words, that she had been keeping up her habit of physical training.
I have already described the process.
I also learned for the first time that Ms. Takaichi is 60 years old.
Everything was right for her to be the prime minister.
However, considering that Mr. Kishida, who won the election, is 65 years old, I hope that Ms. Takaichi will take care of her health, continue her daily physical training, polish her clarity, and do her best to become the first female prime minister in history.
This column will reveal all the schemes of those trying to hinder Sanae Takaichi's clarity, which is also the scheme of CCP.
As I have already mentioned, I was surprised by the transformation of Mr. Kishida, whose biggest flaw was that he kept giving the impression of being indecisive.
Mr. Kishida will be discussed later.
There is one thing that the LDP members should reasonably be aware of now.
It is about the reality of the LDP's party members and friends.
Who said that the voice of non-LDP members is the voice of the people?
It was Ishiba.
It was the media, including the Asahi Shimbun, who wanted to make him president.
If you think back to when Ishiba was the secretary-general of the Liberal Democratic Party, he was swamped visiting local areas.
It is in stark contrast to the efforts of Nikai, the secretary-general of the LDP, to gain control of the party and maintain his grip on the party.
It is in sharp contrast.
Ishiba, who was essentially a "nerd" and lacked the ability and popularity to hold the party together, focused his efforts on winning the votes of local assemblymen and party members.
It is a problem that it can understand even at the elementary school level. 
The Asahi Shimbun and Ishiba seem to think that this kind of scheming will continue indefinitely. Still, some of the lawmakers who supported Mr. Takaichi do not seem to understand the reality of the situation, which is why this column is the first to point it out clearly.
It is not the voice of the people at all.
The majority of the Japanese people do not know who these voting people are.
We don't know their affiliations, their ages, their personalities, none of it.
Moreover, these mysterious people were not elected by the people!
We must realize that the LDP's shortcomings are also since it has continued to give these people the right to vote for the prime minister of Japan.
It isn't brilliant.
The prime minister of Japan should be chosen by the members of the Diet who are voted in by the Japanese people.
Shigeru Ishiba, who could not expand his power within the party, made a bizarre trip to the provinces as the secretary-general. It is a problem that even an elementary school student can understand.
The time has come for the LDP to realize that its biggest flaw is the foolishness of continuing to give such a reality the right to vote for the prime minister of Japan, a country where the "turntable of civilization" is turning.
Nothing has brightened the LDP's future more than the emergence of the brilliantly articulate Sanae Takaichi.
The time has come for all LDP members to realize that Japan's environment is no longer conducive to the continued deception of party member votes.
You yourselves know this reality better than anyone else.
This kind of deception will only continue to provide the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) with suitable material for their manipulative activities, which is the reason for their existence.
It is long past to realize that what is suitable for the Asahi Shimbun and Ishiba Shigeru is also good for the CCP.
The voice of the people (popularity) is nothing more than a poll conducted by Yahoo on the Internet from September 6 to 9, 2021, with the names of the candidates for the presidential election listed in alphabetical order without any guiding questions.
At that time, over 230,000 people participated in the voting.
Frequent polls conducted by the media, who think they are creating public opinion, polled, at best, 2,000 people.
Don't you think this is strange?
When I was young and in a situation that readers are well aware of, I had several part-time jobs at a significant polling company.
The company assigned me to go door to door to the houses in the area and take questionnaires. The part-time pay was not bad.
I was so good that I could say I was number one among all the part-timers.
I received live surveys from almost every household.
I was the best at what I did because I liked it.
There are very few bastards who live in a good house.
They are all good people. There are a thousand different kinds. That's why I was never bored. In addition, the place is Osaka.
It was a fun job for me as a Miyagi Prefecture resident. The enjoyment outweighed the difficulty of going door to door.
Now, the people whose houses I went door to door in those days probably used smartphones or PCs. Most of them must have started using Yahoo.
I started using the Internet much later than most people, so I use Google instead of Yahoo when I search, but I am sure that many Japanese people, young and old, men and women, still watch and search Yahoo News.
The voice of those people is called the voice of the people, so stop deceiving people by saying that a party member's opinion, which Shigeru Ishiba arbitrarily created using his privilege as secretary-general, is the voice of the people.
The following is from Hanada, a monthly magazine released today.
Preamble omitted. The emphasis in the text, except for the headline, is mine.
The Difference between a Party Vote and a Parliamentary Vote
Mr. Kono is No. 1 in party member votes. Why is he popular in rural areas?
The media just played up his popularity as "national popularity," but in fact, he did not even reach the majority of party members' votes.
Immediately after the presidential election, Ishiba said something like this. "We worked hard for the party membership vote. The party as a whole needs to think about why there is such a gap. Even under President Kishida, we should work on a system that can better reflect the wishes of party members.
In other words, he is saying that it is a problem that the votes of the Diet members are given more weight than those of the party members and that Kono would have won if they were given the same weight.
In other words, he is saying that it is a problem that the party members' votes are given more weight than the party president's votes.
Don't be ridiculous.
The vote of a member of the Diet who was elected by steadily drawing up the public opinion of the general public is not the same as the vote of a party member who can participate in the presidential election by paying 4,000 yen a year.
The representative system is to exercise reason without being swept away by the emotions of the masses.
The logic that party members (the people) are sovereign and their choice is all that matters is thoroughly populist.
Korea is a bad example. 
I have been pointing out for a long time that Japan's politics is becoming increasingly Koreanized. In the recent presidential election, the Parliamentary vote and the party members' vote were equal in the first round of voting, which further accelerated Koreanization.
So this time, it was supposed to work in Kono's favor, but it failed to do so.
Whether the cause of this was Abe reviving the rational judgment of his party members or Kono's error in strategy, we may say that, in a sense, the Koreanization of the presidential election has been put to a halt.
Even before the presidential election, there was a GROUP saying things like, "It's a big problem if you lose by adding a member vote even though you got a majority in the party vote." Still, they don't understand the difference in weight between a party member vote and a Parliamentary vote at all.
This article continues.

