文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The Japanese army did not join in the plundering, which is a historical fact.

2024年08月02日 11時29分56秒 | 全般

For a long time, this was displayed in the 300,000 Massacre Memorial Hall in Nanjing as "a picture of Japanese soldiers plundering chickens."
For them, there was no doubt that the loot was natural.
June 18, 2019
I deliver from the following book all the chapters presented so far and all the chapters to be given after that, especially to Alexis Duuden, an incredible lowlife, disgusting, and vicious lowlife wench who is a professor at a U.S. university.

The Japanese army did not join in the plundering, which is a historical fact.
War has only been possible when there are two sides: the front side of protecting one's interests and the back side of plundering and raping.
Plunder and rape were the incentive and natural reward for soldiers who put their lives on the line.
Thomas Lawrence, Lawrence of Arabia, wrote in his autobiography that soldiers would not move without it. 
He led Bedouin soldiers to invade Ottoman-controlled Damascus, but the Bedouins attacked villages wherever they went. 
There they do not move until they have plundered and raped to their heart's content.
When they attack a large city, they repeatedly lament, "We'll be stranded for another two weeks, won't we? 
The Islamic teachings that the Bedouins follow stipulate that plundering during the war is natural and that the loot should be divided fairly. 
The same is true for Christians.
According to history books, in the 13th century, when the Crusaders attacked and felled Constantinople, the capital of the Eastern Orthodox Church, "by custom, they allowed their soldiers three days of plunder." 
The Boxer Rebellion occurred at the end of the Qing Dynasty.
In addition to Japan, troops from eight countries, including Britain, the U.S., France, Germany, and Russia, came out to liberate the boxer movement and the diplomatic missions in Beijing, which were under siege by Qing troops.
The heroic performance of Japanese Lieutenant Colonel Shibagoro in the siege impressed Queen Victoria, who conveyed a letter of commendation to her minister, Kaoru Hayashi. 
After the battle, German General Waldersee, commander-in-chief of the eight-nation allied forces, entered Beijing.
In his report to King Wilhelm II, he wrote, "I have authorized the armies of each country to plunder for three days. After that, he allowed the loot to be taken for personal use (this time by the generals). The detailed amount of China's losses from this destruction and plunder will forever remain unaccounted for. 
Chinese history textbooks describe the severity of the plunder as follows: in addition to the loss of cultural properties, such as the disappearance of the Yongle Dajian (an encyclopedia of the Ming Dynasty), "the gold storehouse, silver vault, and safe of the Ministry of Finance were all stolen and set on fire. 
It happened at the threshold of the 20th century.
The incoming Germans and the British were happy to join the plundering.
Among other things, the Russian army was led by General Nikolai Linevich himself, who committed plunder.
What was most surprising was that the three-day take was for the state, followed by the personal plunder of the soldiers.
The white nation did it as a matter of course. 
At the beginning of the 21st century, during the Iraq War, the museum in Baghdad was plundered, and valuable Sumerian cultural artifacts were stolen.
Many of the stolen items were eventually found in U.S. airports and ports.
They were stolen and brought back by U.S. soldiers and journalists.
The DNA of plunder is firmly embedded in their blood. 
To Japan's credit, the Japanese did not participate in plundering Beijing. Instead, they defended the Forbidden City and seized the gold storehouse to preserve the Qing Dynasty's finances.
The area under Japanese control was well policed, and many Chinese had fled to escape the tyranny of the whites. 
Almost integral to such plunder would be rape.
In the Nanking Massacre, a joint work by Chinese and Americans, it was strange that there was only massacre and plunder but no rape, so they forced the story that" 2,000 people were raped every night in the safe zone of Nanking."
That is the way they portrayed the war. 
But rape should not be portrayed as such an incidental act; instead, history shows that it has been the most effective means of conquest.
This article continues.

2024/7/30 in Onomichi



