文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It is an oddity that cannot be found anywhere else. Who created such an extraordinary view?

2023年11月28日 12時01分16秒 | 全般

The 20th century was a century of war...,
Mar 24, 2019 
The Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan is an association controlled by Pio DeMiglia, Michael Penn, David McNeil, Justin McCurry, and Jeffrey Kingston.
It is an association controlled by these evil foreigners and Koichi Nakano and others who provide them with information to undermine Japan.
What makes them genuinely vicious is that they are the cleanest, safest, most secure country in the world...even lost wallets are reported to the police and returned to them, and they are the only people in the world who can afford to lose their wallets! Japan, the country,
Settle in Japan, the safest country in the world, filled with the best food, and especially the country with the highest number of Michelin-certified restaurants worldwide.
In other words, they have been living in Japan to the fullest, some with Japanese wives, while writing articles in newspapers in their home country under the title of "Japan correspondent" to discredit Japan...
Instead of pointing this out, the Asahi Shimbun and their T.V. news programs have been happy to have them appear in their news reports to humiliate Japan...
It is an oddity that cannot be found anywhere else.
Who created such an extraordinary view?
It is GHQ, Marxism=Communism, and pseudo-moralism.

There is no doubt that all of the above people are their agents who fell for the Chinese and Korean honey traps, money traps, and so on.
Pio d'Emilia was the most instrumental in getting Italy, the country Xi Jinping is now visiting, to support the One Belt, One Road initiative.
Japan's... a Frenchman who, I believe, lives in Kyoto and distributes pamphlets throughout Paris to discredit Japan....
With this one man's success, France, too, has seen an increase in the number of French people with anti-Japanese ideology, as if to keep up with the doings of the Süddeutsche Zeitung reporters.
There is no doubt that this man is also 100% a spy, so to speak, suffering from the honey or money trap.

It goes without saying why they, as foreigners, vehemently opposed the spy bill.
Their opposition, in concert with that of Asahi and NHK, the biggest fools in the world,
In Japan, the world's most excellent spy paradise, China and the Korean peninsula have turned them into agents to manipulate their home countries from Japan.
Be it the fragmentation of the EU or the proliferation of anti-Japanese states in the EU.

The chapter I sent out on 2019-01-25 titled "Pitiful infants who GHQ has brainwashed into believing 100% of what they spread, which is the truth in the true sense of the word...that is the reality of them, Asahi Shimbun, NHK, etc." must be re-read by all Japanese citizens and the world. The 20th century was the century of war.

The 20th century was the century of war...,
Unlike, for example, the so-called cultural figures who contributed to yesterday's Nikkei column, everyone in the country was involved in the war in one way or another. 
Poets who volunteered to go to war and died in it are too numerous to mention.
There is no such thing as a true poet who is not a patriot.
However, the so-called intellectuals, cultural figures, and lawyers, such as the author of yesterday's article or the NHK employees who openly state that Japan colonized the Korean Peninsula, are different.
They have a distorted and corrupt sense of patriotism, which is a matter of course.

Destructive wars, such as the Nazi genocide of the Jews and the massacres in China and Korea, have been repeated,
The Chinese and Koreans have repeatedly massacred their people...,
or the U.S. Indian genocide.

Soviet spies and the Asahi Shimbun bogged down the Sino-Japanese war,
The Soviet spies who had entangled Roosevelt's administration used this to create a pro-China and anti-American public opinion in the U.S.
Whenever they succeeded in sending in the 5% of the population, they would take control of the organization to be manipulated.
Since propaganda work is their supreme mission (and they have no other brains), it is only natural....

The Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan is an association controlled by Pio DeMiglia, Michael Penn, David McNeil, Justin McCurry, and Jeffrey Kingston.
It is an association controlled by these evil foreigners and Koichi Nakano and others who provide them with information to undermine Japan.
This man also influences Sophia University and NHK's news department... 
Their mastermind is China and the Korean peninsula.
Their goal is to divide Japanese public opinion and weaken Japan's national strength without ever allowing the Constitution to be amended,
They want to make Japan a country that can be attacked at any time, a country that they can continue to threaten,
They can invade Japan's territory at will,
To prevent Japan from illegally drawing the Syngman Rhee line in the postwar crunch and reclaiming Takeshima, which they stole.
These are the reasons.
They are the inhabitants of a land of abysmal evil and plausible lies,
China, in addition, is a one-party communist dictatorship, a country where "lies are true, and truth is lies," as created by Karl Radek, the former leader of the Comintern. Black is white and white is black," a stunning 180-degree perversion of formal logic,
North Korea is, in fact, an ancient despotic state, and South Korea is, in fact, the same*.

The Soviets also infiltrated spies into countries that formed anti-Japanese public opinion at the time, such as Canada.
The famous Herbert Norman was one of them.
After all, when Lenin succeeded in bringing about the Russian Revolution, intellectuals worldwide were shocked by the weakness of intellectuals with their heads in the sand.
It was even a factor in Ryunosuke Akutagawa's suicide.
For example, Deutscher writes that the intellectuals of the time were shocked by the Russian Revolution.
The brilliant minds in the studies of many countries saw the Russian Revolution as an ideal revolution by the workers.
It was understandable since they did not yet know what communism was.

However, the intellectuals' mistake at this time was to repeat themselves,
The postwar intellectuals in Japan repeated the errors of the intellectuals at that time.
Yesterday's "Oiso Koiso" clearly demonstrated this.
Who spread the rumor that Japan had fought a wrong war?
Who was it brainwashed by?
The truth is that the majority of Japan's postwar intellectuals had no clue about the truth that even a kindergartener could understand. 
It is unbecoming to call oneself an intellectual.
Giving the Nobel Prize to Kenzaburo Oe was the height of stupidity.
Who spread the message that Japan fought a wrong war?
Who is responsible for this brainwashing? 
Brainwashing by the U.S.
For what purpose?
To distract and cover up the world's attention from the greatest act of human carnage in the history of war, the indiscriminate attack on 127 cities across Japan by incendiary bombs.
Furthermore, to cover up and distract the world from the most extraordinary and worst crime in the history of humankind, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan was made the villain brainwashing by the U.S.

However, Masayuki Takayama, the one and only journalist in the postwar world, has done a proper verification and disclosed to us the fact that contrary to their propaganda, Japanese soldiers were more like gentlemen on the battlefield.
They were the ones who possessed the sense of beauty and decency that Japanese people have cultivated over the past 2,600 years.
In this chapter, I tell the world the truth for the first time.
Why did the U.S. not only indiscriminately attack 127 cities throughout Japan with incendiary bombs but also Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
There is a factor that the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was due to the racism of the world and the U.S. administration at that time,
The biggest reason is that the Japanese people were so strong that the Japanese army was the strongest in history.
Even when supplies were cut off, most of them fought to the death on distant battlefields, risking their own lives to protect far away their countries, where their own families had wives and children.
Such a nation had never existed anywhere in the history of the world.
It is, although Bushido would have been one factor in this.
The Japanese army was too strong.
With its overwhelming physical strength, the U.S. military, the most powerful in the world at the time, must have felt it in its bones.
In every battle the U.S. fought...the Japanese were far more robust and formidable than they could ever have imagined.
The Japanese were as strong as demigods. 
The Japanese are the people who love their country, their families, and their hometowns more than any other people in the history of humankind,
When it came to war, they were the bravest people in the world.
In other words, the Japanese love for country, family, and hometown was so strong that no other nation could match it.
The Japanese were such a people.
In a sense, it is natural.
During World War II, the Soviet spies conspired against us, and the media, such as the Asahi Shimbun, reported and led us to war...
It was by the strategy of the Roosevelt administration that Soviet spies were caged in.
Japan was forced to take the side of the defeated nation.
Until for the first time in history, the country lost a war and was taken over by another country.
For more than 2,000 years, no country in the history of the world has ever been occupied by another country.
There is no such country anywhere in the world.
The writer of yesterday's article, the Asahi Shimbun, and the so-called "cultural people" are surprisingly lacking in such feelings...
Kenzaburo Oe and Haruki Murakami are the best examples.
He seems to have strong feelings only for his family, hometown, the Korean Peninsula, and China.
It is well-known that he has an intense hatred for the rest of the real Japan, the actual Japan. 
His name is invariably listed among the founders of the movements that have revealed their hatred of Japan.
In other words, they have the brains of kindergarten children..,
They are so brilliant that they believe 100% of the spreading of the truth, which is precisely the truth in the sense of falsehood, by the GHQ...
They are pitiful infants who GHQ brainwashes.
That is the reality of them, Asahi Shimbun, NHK, etc.
This article continues.


