文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

They do not notice that funniness yet because of their incompetence.

2019年03月10日 08時53分49秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.
Given the characteristics of this TV, the essence of the MoriKake problem will come to light.
Moritomo and Kake are all rooted in the Asahi Shimbun's abhorrence of Abe's hatred.
Because of Abe, the lie of comfort women is came to light, the president lost his job, the salary has also halved due to the reduction in the number of copies.
The problem of Moritomo happened only when the Treasury officers tried to deceive the fraudster, Kagoike, and it was only broken, but there happened to be the name of Mrs. Akie.
Asahi aimed at 'soft target'.
They persistently gave Akie's name.
The TV repeated it and amplified opposition party wanted to be reflected on TV.
In the Kake problem, the basis for just saying Abe 's friend is the principal fueled suspicion with a classic pattern of 'A politician and government office formed Plutocracy'.
Because it is 'Tuesday 's suspense drama' level, the TV stations were pleased.
However, in suspense drama on Tuesday, it can not see the important money that is the core of the problem.
They do not notice that funniness yet because of their incompetence.
The Asahi Shimbun manipulates idiots and seems satisfied that it got into the political situation, but it is embarrassing as a journalist.
This draft continues.


