文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

This election is to ask you whether you support Japan or China!

2021年10月26日 08時26分11秒 | 全般

The following is an utterly rough draft.
I was more than a little horrified by the news that the LDP candidate lost the supplementary election for the House of Councillors in Shizuoka Prefecture (although he lost by a narrow margin).
The reason for this is that Kawakatsu, who is the first of the "idiots" who have not only blocked the start of the construction of the Linear Shinkansen and given China, which stole the related technology from JR, the status of being the first country in the world to open the Linear Shinkansen, but has also been "useful" to China, is now the winner of the Shizuoka Prefectural Assembly election. 
The people of Shizuoka Prefecture made Kawakatsu, the first of the "idiots" who have been "useful" for China, win.

This column, however, will not tolerate such foolishness and will not be horrified by the above outcome.
Despite his two trips to Shizuoka Prefecture, Prime Minister Kishida's loss to make speeches in support of his party is apparent.
Prime Minister Kishida's catchphrase, "I will listen to you," led to the inevitable defeat.
Prime Minister Kishida put into practice the famous words of Nomura, "There is no mysterious defeat in defeat."

The reason why he dared to say such a natural thing as "I will listen to you" is the biggest reason why he lost the war.
In Japan, there is a folly still attacking the regime, with the Asahi Shimbun falsely reporting on it out of hatred for former Prime Minister Abe and the "useful idiots" of China and the Korean Peninsula chanting it.
Prime Minister Kishida, whose indecisiveness was once a fatal flaw, responded with his former weakness.
It is because Kishida is entirely unaware that he has fallen into their trap at that point.

As for what kind of speech I would have given, I will explain later.
Kawakatsu thoroughly criticized, or instead ridiculed, the LDP government and the Japanese nation and fully supported the opposition candidates such as the Constitutional Democratic Party and the Communist Party.
Kishida was utterly oblivious that it is the role of the prime minister to criticize this man thoroughly.
That is why he lost the race.
If Kishida, as prime minister of Japan, had told the people of Shizuoka Prefecture, "This election is to ask you whether you support Japan or China! " he would have won by a landslide against a narrow margin of defeat.
And that would have been the truth.

As soon as possible, it would help if you realized that "listening to the people" is a hypocrisy that you have fallen into their trap. 
You are the Prime Minister of Japan; you should have that kind of clarity!

