文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It would be better if you would seriously criticize these two countries

2021年03月10日 14時49分12秒 | 全般

A tweet by Kumiko Takeuchi that I discovered this morning.
Global Warming 
I've started to buy plastic bags with handles because of the plastic bag charge—another stupid idea.
Disposable spoons: Consider charging for them - Yahoo! News

I'm sure all intelligent people will agree that this is a good argument. If Shinjiro Koizumi is going to talk about global warming, why doesn't he criticize China for being the cause of it all?
Plastic bags and plastic tableware have nothing to do with global warming.
If air pollution = global warming, then China is the cause of almost all of it.
Plastic waste is polluting the environment. The majority of this is also caused by China, which is not very public-spirited, followed by South Korea, the world's second-largest contributor to marine plastic pollution.
It would be better if you would seriously criticize these two countries and eradicate their dumping into the ocean before saying such stupid things.
If you are going to say that air pollution = global warming, you should stop your father's campaign against nuclear power plants, which is more than just a kindergarten-level campaign, it is a traitor campaign.
The primary reason for the Fukushima Daiichi accident was that GE's design was full of flaws. In other words, GE was responsible for the accident. Despite this, the government did not file a claim for damages against GE. What it did instead was to bully TEPCO, an excellent and decent company in our country.
Even the rogue GE realized that there was a problem with the emergency power supply layout and notified all the countries in the world to correct it.
The only country in the world that ignored this and took no action was Junichiro Koizumi's cabinet, your father.
Naoto Kan's stupidity and your father are responsible for losing emergency power and the hydrogen explosion at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.
The damage caused to Japan by the failure to hold these two culprits accountable has been astronomical.
Even Ban Ki-moon, the UN Secretary-General with the worst reputation in history, called Kan's decision to halt all nuclear power plants immediately a stupid one.
The vultures of foreign countries did not miss this stupid decision by Japan.
At the time, nuclear power plants accounted for about half of Japan's electricity generation.
Japan's huge oil needs were a kindergarten-level problem for them.
They made astronomical profits by charging Japan an exorbitant premium, the Japan Premium.
In just a few years, Japan has paid them well over 10 trillion yen. 
Kiichi Miyazawa, the prime minister at the time, said that this was not a normal business cycle. It piled up the bad debts piled up in financial institutions after Japan plunged into the serious deflation that continues due to the total amount regulation in 1990. To solve the problem, it is necessary to drop a national tax of over 10 trillion yen and solve it all at once, he said at a training meeting of the Liberal Democratic Party.
In response, Atsushi Yamada, a reporter from the economics department of the Asahi Shimbun, wrote an editorial that sounded like something out of a kindergarten, saying that the banks, real estate companies, and construction companies had done this on their own, and why should we throw blood money at them? It is a clear fact that even the big banks' presidents were foolish enough to agree with them. Not one of the banks that agreed with him left their name at the time. They had the brains of kindergarten children who did not even realize that the problem was that serious.
None of the above-mentioned Atsushi Yamada and others criticized the fact that we paid the Japan Premium with blood tax money, which was taken advantage of by Kan Naoto's even more foolish measures.












