文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

I am paradoxically convinced. The opposite is true.

2021年03月03日 10時12分47秒 | 全般

The following is from the "To the Editor" section of the monthly magazine "Seiron," which went on sale the day before yesterday. 
To the editor: From a housewife (71). (Name withheld in this column)
Early in the morning at the end of last year, NHK No.1 radio reported the seafood market's reality in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, in an unusually naked manner.
"Citizens are fond of wild animals, and bats are their favorite.
"Bats are put into the soup and boiled, so their legs stick out from the plate.
They believe that if they eat live animals, they can transfer their life force and become energetic. The market is crowded with animals desperately running for their lives after having their legs ripped off.
Scorpions, snakes, crocodiles, etc., are also sold as "food," either alive or in the state of having been killed. 
In 1937, during the Second Sino-Japanese War, nearly 300 Japanese were massacred in the Tongzhou Incident, and I realized that the market culture caused the atrocities.
It has been their practice for the Chinese since ancient times to brutalize and kill their enemies as if they were animals. By the way, China enacted the "Maritime Police Law" on February 1.
This law permits the use of weapons when a foreign country violates sovereignty or jurisdiction.
With Chinese warplanes threatening a U.S. aircraft carrier and Chinese official ships stationed around the Senkaku Islands, the Senkakus are on the verge of being taken.
Besides, U.S. President Biden announced in his foreign policy speech that he would work with China for the sake of U.S. national interests.
Of course, we should protect ourselves first and foremost without depending on other countries for national defense. 
I hope that Japan will protect its people and territory by deleting Article 9, Section 2 of the Constitution without a moment to spare so that our country will not become a repeat of Tibet and Uyghur or suffer a tragic massacre like the Tongzhou Incident. 
From the editor: NHK sometimes takes drastic measures in its broadcasting.
It was too graphic, so we had to restrain our expressions a little. But you are right; the Remembering Tongzhou incident, the strengthening of defensive forces, including the Senkaku Islands, and the revision of the Constitution are urgent matters.
*As I was about to translate this into English, my "intuition" kicked in.
The fact that NHK, unusually, reported it in such a way was actually China's intention. China has been desperately trying to cover up, and what it desperately wants to keep hidden is that the Wuhan virus leaked from the Wuhan Virus Research Institute.
The Wuhan virus leaked from the Wuhan Virus Research Institute is an absolute necessity to hide the fact that it was a biological and chemical weapon manufactured (or to be made) by Shi Zhengli.
I am paradoxically convinced. The opposite is true.
In the early days of the Wuhan virus, there was a professor at Kyoto University (mentioned in this column at the time) who said in a special program on NHK that the virus was naturally occurring, and the director of the National Museum of Nature and Science (also mentioned in this column at the time) who said on TV Tokyo's WBS that the Chinese spokesman said the same thing,
It is correct to assume that all the so-called scholars who said that the Wuhan virus is naturally occurring are all under China's control. 


