文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

If you overlook that underground flow, you can not see modern history.

2019年06月18日 23時10分33秒 | 全般

The person who should read this chapter is Alexis Dudden.
The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
Japan had the honor of meeting the world at the end of the 19th century.
He protested by sending a warship to the United States, which took over the Hawaiian dynasty, and defeated it in the next year by fighting with a Chinese.
And ten years later, Japan defeated the white nation Russia, and at World War I ten years later, they challenged with a triple air force against Germany with an aircraft that is a symbol of the wisdom of the whites. I've got rid of it.
And ten years later, Japan defeated the white nation Russia, and at world war I ten years later, their challenged with a triple air force against Germany with an aircraft that is a symbol of the whites, and it got rid of Germany.
Moreover, the war that Japan fights has a purity that is not in their common sense.
What was even more shocking was the appearance of 'colonies' that Japan manages.
Especially Manchuria.
Lytton research team is Victor Briton, a former Indian governor of the United Kingdom, Henri Claudel, a colonial commander from France, and Heinrich Albert Schnee, a German East African governor from Germany, a veteran of 'Exploit colony,' they saw Manchuria.
And they were surprised.
Article 20 of the Constitution of the United Nations says, 'It is a sacred mission (in developed countries) to provide welfare benefits for people in the area behind.'
The United States and the United Kingdom have sold opium to China, Malaysia, and France to Vietnam, and have been exploited to only.
However, in Manchuria, a school was built on the background of the rich soil harvest and underground resources, and many ethnic groups, including the Jewish Slavs, enjoyed freedom and richness under Japanese leadership.
The veterans of colonial exploitation would have seen Manchuria itself as a charge against their white colonial imperialism.
The report to the League of Nations throws out Japan, and Manchuria is persuaded in the sense that let's have a white business.
For countries that have enslaved wars, brutal wars, and plundering and rape as pleasure, Japan has neither plundering nor rapes, no slaves and no colonies, somewhat uncomfortable, it looked like a country that would bother to be present.
If you overlook that underground flow, you can not see modern history.
The confrontation structure of Japan vs. the white nation, plus China was created, and the previous war took place.
It is the evilest United States that defeated Japan, and it is the protector of unarmed Japan is no more than ironic of history, it's just a bad joke.
