文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

the following people are the ones with a sound mind, which led to a good laugh

2021年03月05日 09時49分30秒 | 全般

I just saw Ms. Kumiko Takeuchi's Twitter page and laughed.
Needless to say, the following people are the ones with a sound mind, which led to a good laugh.

There will only be injuries. Stop it!

[Soccer] Korea-Japan friendly to be held for the first time in 10 years
1: Metropolitan Tiger ★ 2021/03/04(Thu) 15:24:58.79 ID: CAP_USER The Korea Football Association (KFC) and the Japan Football Association (JFA) are discussing holding the first Korea-Japan evaluation match in 10 years.
No one wants to see a game that is uncomfortable to watch. There is no need for the word "goodwill" between Japan and Korea.
It's better to avoid unnecessary and intense contact with Korean people and keep a permanent social distance.
Why now? I think you're right, Doctor. It is nothing but harm.
The safety of the players comes first. Sports are played with other humans. Please don't do it.
Injuries, foul play, and a pick a fight over an invisible rising sun flag are the final result... Japan, you must learn from what they have done so far!

What is the need for goodwill?
It is impossible because there is no point in doing so.
Enacting anti-spy laws is a top priority! "Joseon" means "Korea under the rule of the Yi family.
The safety of the players comes first. Sports are played with other humans. Could you not do it?
Injuries, foul play, and a pick a fight over an invisible rising sun flag are the final result... Japan, you must learn from what they have done so far!

The soccer world is full of people who don't learn their lessons.
And a match against anti-Japanese South Korea is not a goodwill match.
The lives of Minamino, Kubo, Tomiyasu, and Endo are at stake.
Stop it!
 From the insurance company. Sports insurance is not applicable for the Japan-Korea match.  You will be responsible for your own injuries and aftereffects.
No, because it's not a goodwill mood. No, it's not a good time because people will get injured before the Olympics. Anyway, this is not the time.
Will that be the deciding factor in the Japan-Korea rupture?

