文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Is he a spokesman for the Xi Jinping administration?

2020年02月01日 08時25分56秒 | 全般

The following is an editorial from the Sankei Shimbun on 2/1/2020.
Inadequate emergency declaration: WHO director-general must be removed
The government should not hesitate to make its own decision.
The Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Dr. Tedros, has declared a "public health emergency of international concern" over the spread of pneumonia caused by the new coronavirus.
The decision came too late.
At an emergency committee meeting on January 23, the WHO decided not to declare a state of emergency, calling it "premature. Immediately after this, the situation deteriorated at an accelerated pace.
Moreover, Tedros announced that he would not recommend travel restrictions, saying, "I see no reason to restrict travel or trade.
It contradicts his statement that his most significant concern is "the spread of the virus to countries that do not have insurance systems in place.
He is not looking at reality.
If the WHO is left to its own devices, it cannot be expected to control the infection.
 "Is he a spokesman for the Xi Jinping administration?
Mr. Tedros has always been pro-China in his words and actions.
Some French newspapers have reported that there was "pressure from China" for the initial postponement of the declaration.
Mr. Tedros is a former health minister and foreign minister of Ethiopia, receiving massive infrastructure investment from China.
Mr. Tedros is not qualified to deal with "public health emergencies" in the face of infected countries and should be removed from his post.
The number of infected people in the world has surpassed the number of people infected by SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) in 2003 by more than 8,000.  
Human-to-human transmission of the disease has been confirmed in China, Japan, and other countries.
The majority of those infected worldwide have traveled from China, including Wuhan.
Infections have also been confirmed in Japanese and foreigners who returned from Wuhan's blockade.
Many of the countries involved are negotiating with the Chinese government to send chartered planes to bring their citizens back home as soon as possible.
Against this backdrop, Mr. Xi Jinping told Mr. Tedros, who visited Beijing on April 28, that he "believes in the objective, fair, calm and rational assessment of the WHO and the international community.
It is a call for careful judgment in the WHO's response.
Tedros responded that the WHO makes decisions based on science and facts and praised the Chinese government for showing unwavering political resolve and taking swift and effective action.
However, it is a well-known fact in China that a gag order was imposed on Wuhan when the infection caused by the new coronavirus was confirmed in December last year.
The mayor of Wuhan City, Zhou Xianwang, admitted the delay in releasing the information, explaining that "the local government did not have the authority to release the information.
The control under the Xi administration caused the delay in the initial response.
Mr. Tedros also told Wang Yi, State Councilor and Foreign Minister, that "there is no need to overreact" to the movement of countries seeking to rescue their citizens.
It is not the job of the WHO Director-General to speak for the Chinese side.
Why does he make such a strong stance?
Tedros' native Ethiopia has a "special relationship" with China. 
Ethiopia, which receives infrastructure investment from China in areas such as railroads and electricity supply, is considered a model country for the "One Belt, One Road" initiative, a vast economic zone. Still, it is also struggling with massive debt.
Tedros served as foreign minister from 2012-16, deepening relations with China, before succeeding his predecessor, Hong Kong-born Chan, as WHO director-general. 
From the beginning, his neutrality, which is most important as the head of an international organization that deals strictly with public health crises, was in doubt.
In its daily bulletin of April 26, the WHO corrected the description of the global risk of the new coronavirus as "moderate risk" to "high risk" because it was incorrect.
Determining the risk is a fundamental part of quarantine, so it cannot be a "clerical error.
One cannot help but wonder if there was a discovery here.
 "Japan-U.S. Cooperation for Crisis Management
As long as the WHO cannot be trusted, the Japanese government should not rely on this decision.
In response to the WHO's declaration of a state of emergency, the government moved up the implementation of the "designated infectious disease" ordinance from April 7 to April 1.
The government should not have waited for the declaration but should have enforced it promptly based on its judgment.
Even though the WHO has suspended its travel restriction advisory, the U.S. has already raised its travel advisory to "suspend travel," the highest level, to all of China.
What is at stake is crisis management of the utmost urgency.
The government must work closely with the U.S., skilled in this field, to protect its citizens and control the infection.
