

【論】Yukawa,1934,On the interaction of elementary ~

2006年05月05日 21時51分51秒 | 論文記録
Hideki Yukawa
On the interaction of Elementary Particles. I.
Nippon Sugaku-Buturigakkwai Kizi Dai 3 Ki Vol.17 (1935) pp.48-57


・問題点「Unfortnately the interaction energy calculated on such assumption is much too small to account for the binding energies of neutrons and protons in the nucleus.
・疑問点「As such a quantum with large mass and positive or negative charge has never been found by the experiment, the above theory seems to be on a wrong line. We can show, however, that, in the ordinary nuclear transformation, such a quantum can not be emitted into outer space.
・仮説「The reason why such massive quanta, if they ever exist, are not yet discovered may be ascribed to the fact that the mass mv is so large that condition |WN-WP|>mUc2 is not fulfilled in ordinary nuclear transformation.
・謎の物質「The interaction of elementary particles are described by considering a hypothetical quantum, which has the elementary charge and the proper mass and which obeys Bose's statictics.

・いうまでもなく、湯川秀樹氏がノーベル賞をとるきっかけとなった、「中間子の存在の予言」に関する論文。専門外とはいえ、数式が全然わかりまへん。。。 著者は当時28歳。これが初の(投稿)論文だとか。

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