


2008-02-22 08:41:10 | 海外
Tall buildings, narrow minds
Aug 30th 2007
From The Economist print edition

After 50 years, Malaysia should stop treating a third of its people as not-quite-citizens

TopFotoTHE government of Malaysia has laid on all sorts of grand pageantry this weekend, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Malay peninsula's independence from Britain. There is much to celebrate. Living standards and access to education, health services, sanitation and electricity have soared during those five decades of sovereignty. The country's remarkable modernisation drive was symbolised, nine years ago, by the completion of the Petronas twin towers, in Kuala Lumpur, then the world's tallest buildings.

Yet there will be a hollow ring to the festivities. Malaysia's 50th birthday comes at a time of rising resentment by ethnic Chinese and Indians, together over one-third of the population, at the continuing, systematic discrimination they suffer in favour of the majority bumiputra, or sons of the soil, as Malays and other indigenous groups are called. There are also worries about creeping “Islamisation” among the Malay Muslim majority of what has been a largely secular country, and about the increasingly separate lives that Malay, Chinese and Indian Malaysians are leading. More so than at independence, it is lamented, the different races learn in separate schools, eat separately, work separately and socialise separately. Some are asking: is there really such a thing as a Malaysian?

The pro-bumiputra discrimination was laid down in the country's first constitution, in 1957, to ease Malays' fears of being marginalised by the Chinese and Indian migrants. These had come, supposedly temporarily, to work in the tin mines and plantations but were settling permanently and increasingly dominating business and the professions. The perks were extended greatly after race riots in 1969. Malays get privileged access to public-sector jobs, university places, stockmarket flotations and, above all, government contracts. The most notable result, as with South Africa's similar policy of “black economic empowerment”, has been “encronyment”—the enrichment of those well connected to the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO), the party that has led all governments since independence. Malays as a whole, like other races, have got richer but the gap between the Malay haves and have-nots has widened. The corruption and waste these policies engender seem to have got worse in recent years.

As criticism has grown, UMNO's leaders have resorted ever more frequently to growling that nobody should question the “social contract”. This is a reference to the metaphorical deal struck between the races at independence, in which the Malays got recognition that the country was basically theirs, while the Chinese and Indians were granted citizenship. The veiled threat of violence lurking behind calls to uphold the social contract was made explicit during last year's UMNO conference, at which one delegate talked of being ready to “bathe in blood” to defend Malay privileges and the education minister, no less, brandished a traditional Malay dagger.

The hypocritical Malay dilemma
The social contract may once have seemed necessary to keep the peace but now it and the official racism that it is used to justify look indefensible: it is absurd and unjust to tell the children of families that have lived in Malaysia for generations that, in effect, they are lucky not to be deported and will have to put up with second-class treatment for the rest of their lives, in the name of “racial harmony”. When the mild-mannered Abdullah Badawi took over as prime minister from the fire-breathing Mahathir Mohamad in 2003, there were hopes of change for the better. Mr Badawi preached a moderate, “civilisational” Islam and pledged to crack down on corruption.

Four years on, corruption, facilitated by the pro-Malay policies, is unchecked. The state continues to use draconian internal-security laws, dating back to the colonial era, to silence and threaten critics. UMNO continues to portray itself to Malays as the defender of their privileges yet tries to convince everyone else that it is the guarantor of racial harmony. One commentator this week gently described this as a “paradox”. Hypocrisy would be a better word.

The damage caused by this state racism is ever more evident. Malaysia's once sparkling growth rate has slipped. Racial quotas and protectionism are scaring away some foreign investors. While Malaysians celebrate having done rather better than former British colonies in Africa, they must also notice that South Korea, Taiwan and their estranged ex-spouse Singapore have done much better still. The economic consequences alone justify ending Malaysia's official racism. Even without them, it would still be just plain wrong.


2007-05-11 09:17:29 | 海外
Brown ready to take on challengers

ByJames Blitz, Political Editor

Published: May 10 2007 21:57 | Last updated: May 10 2007 21:57

Gordon Brown, Britain’s chancellor of the exchequer, will on Friday launch his campaign to succeed Tony Blair, stating that he is prepared publicly to debate with any potential leadership contenders over the next few days.

The start of Mr Brown’s campaign follows Tony Blair’s announcement on Thursday that he will step down as prime minister on June 27, five days after he has attended his last European Union summit.


Mr Blair’s long-awaited resignation plans, delivered to party activists in his Sedgefield constituency in north-east England, bring down the curtain on the longest-serving Labour prime minister, and the most dominant British political figure since Margaret Thatcher.

“Sometimes the only way you conquer the pull of power is to set it down,” he said.

non-subscription columnist and thumbnail

Philip Stephens on Tony Blair’s decision to resign as prime minister after 10 years in power

Mr Brown, who finally takes centre stage after a decade in Mr Blair’s shadow, will invite two left wing rivals – Michael Meacher and John McDonnell – to debate with him at a London venue on Sunday. It appears increasingly unlikely that either will get the public support of 44 Labour MPs necessary to qualify for the main stage of the contest.

But Mr Brown, who is seen by critics as domineering and has even been accused of displaying “Stalinist ruthlessness”, is determined to underline the impression that he has always sought a contest – and that it is not his fault if rivals fail to materialise.

“Gordon is going out of his way to engage with anyone who wants to,” said a senior ally last night. “He is engaging and he is listening. That is the tenor of what we want to do over the next few weeks.” Mr Brown’s London campaign will kick off what senior allies call an intense five days of activity by the chancellor.

Mr Brown is almost certain to win the leadership and enter Number 10 on June 27. It may even be that he wins the leadership without facing any rival at all.

On Thursday, Mr Blair, whose popularity has been dented by his decision to go to war in Iraq along the US, asked the nation to forgive his failings.

“I give my thanks to you, the British people, for the times I have succeeded. And my apologies to you for the times I have fallen short.” Mr Blair acknowledged, too, that his 1997 victory had raised too much optimism about what could be achieved over subsequent years.

“Expectations were so high,” Mr Blair said. “Too high. Too high in a way for either of us.” The outgoing prime minister said Britain had changed for the better over the last decade – but he came as close as he has ever done to acknowledging that the Iraq invasion was a mistake.

“I ask you to accept one thing,” Mr Blair told 250 party activists in a long-awaited announcement. “Hand on heart, I did what I thought was right. I may have been wrong. That’s your call. But believe one thing if nothing else: I did what I thought was right for our country.”

Labour will now conduct a six week “contest” which will culminate in a special conference on Sunday June 24 where Mr Brown’s victory is expected to be declared.

The following day, Mr Blair will report to the Commons on the outcome of the European summit. On Wednesday June 27, he will answer his last questions as prime minister in the House of Commons before tendering his resignation to the Queen.

Mr Blair’s departure will remove the most dominant figure in British politics for 13 years and the second longest-serving prime minister in the European Union.

He transformed the British political landscape, dragging the Labour party which he has led since 1994, to the electoral centre-ground and winning a record three consecutive general election victories.

But the high hopes and optimism that accompanied his 1997 triumph against the incumbent Conservative party have dwindled following his support for the US-led invasion of Iraq. A whiff of financial scandal over allegations of illegal party funding and the wear and tear of government have also taken their toll, causing Mr Blair’s popularity ratings to plummet even further.

While critics singled out the war in Iraq and disappointing public sector reforms, Mr Blair’s resignation announcement drew tributes from fellow leaders around the globe. Jose Manuel Barroso, president of the European Commission, said he had taken Britain into the mainstream of the European Union and left an “impressive legacy”, including his commitment to take “action against climate change and for fighting poverty in Africa”.

Shinzo Abe, Japan’s prime minister, said Mr Blair had done a ”magnificent job” over ten years, particularly in relation to education reform and the economy. Jan Peter Balkenende, Dutch premier, said his UK counterpart had ”made a lot of good things happen in the economy and society”. Bertie Ahern, the Irish prime minister, said Mr Blair deserved an ”honoured place in our history” for devoting ”unprecedented time and attention” to bringing about peace in Northern Ireland.

Mr Brown is not expected to call an election immediately after becoming prime minister. This is because Britain’s constitutional arrangements allow for a governing party to change its leader – and therefore the sitting prime minister – between general elections.

Anthony Eden, a former Conservative premier, called a snap election on entering Downing Street in similar circumstances in 1955. But this is the only occasion on which this has happened in Britain since the second world war.

Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2007

フランス大統領選挙Nicolas SSalkozy(サルコジ)氏が当選

2007-05-07 08:59:54 | 海外

米大使館 脱北者保護

2006-05-03 22:19:17 | 海外
NIKKEI NET:国際 ニュース


(2006年5月2日13時53分 読売新聞)

米中首脳会談 ホワイトハウスーイラン、貿易進展なし

2006-04-21 06:26:53 | 海外
China's Leader Makes First White House Visit - New York Times










(2006年4月21日1時40分 読売新聞)


2006-04-20 11:37:44 | 海外
Chinese President puts Gates on top of itinerary - Markets - Times Online


 人民元問題では「中国は人民元為替レート問題を高度に重視しており、外国為替市場を発展させ、人民元為替レートの弾力性を増していく」と表明した。 (11:18)


2006-04-13 08:25:53 | 海外
Iran Details Nuclear Ambitions; Rice Urges 'Strong Steps' - New York Times


Iran's recent declarations about its nuclear program drew international criticism and concern today from several countries, including Russia, China, Britain and the United States.

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice called for "strong steps" from the United Nations Security Council. Asked if Ms. Rice wanted sanctions, the White House spokesman, Scott McClellan, said the United States was consulting with Security Council members about a diplomatic course of action.

Following Tuesday's announcement by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that Iran had joined the group of nuclear nations, the deputy head of Iran's atomic energy organization, Muhammad Saeedi, was quoted today as saying Iran had told the International Atomic Energy Agency that it will press ahead and start operating 3,000 centrifuges by late 2006, with further expansion to 54,000 centrifuges planned.

"We will expand uranium enrichment to industrial scale at Natanz," Mr. Saeedi said, referring to Iran's main enrichment plant, according to the ISNA news agency.

Iran's plans for industrial enrichment facilities of some 50,000 centrifuges have been known for some time, but the timing of Mr. Saeedi's remarks today, on the heels of the Iranian president's speech, underscored the country's determination to pursue its long-term program despite international demands that it stop.

Ms. Rice said that President Ahmadinejad's announcement would further isolate Iran and that the Security Council, when it meets again, will need to consider Iran's new move.

"It will be time when it reconvenes on this case for strong steps to make certain that we maintain the credibility of the international community on this issue," she said. "We are consulting now, and when the Security Council reconvenes, I think it will be a good time for action. We can't let this continue."

"Russia also joined the international criticism of Iran's announcement, with a Foreign Ministry spokesman calling it "a step in the wrong direction." The announcement appeared to scuttle Russia's proposed compromise for settling the confrontation over Iran's nuclear program: a joint-venture to enrich uranium outside of Iran, under Russian and international scrutiny.

The Russian foreign minister, Sergy V. Lavrov, however, later tempered Moscow's criticism. He advised against a rush to judgment until after the I.A.E.A director general, Mohamed ElBaradei, ended his latest round of negotiations in Iran, and he noted that Iran had "never stated that it is striving to possess nuclear weapons."


2006-04-12 19:34:18 | 海外
西日本新聞 政治 6カ国の非公式折衝終了 鑑定発表に中韓戸惑い






