

Milton Friedman, 自由市場の最長老 逝去94歳

2006-11-18 19:28:49 | Weblog
Posted to the web on: 17 November 2006
Milton Friedman, doyen of free markets, dead at 94

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ICONOCLASTIC Nobel Prize-winning US eco-nomist Milton Friedman died yesterday, aged 94, bringing to an end a professional career dedicated to highlighting the place of freedom in economics.

Friedman, whose ideas greatly influenced the policies of former US president Ronald Reagan and former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher, won the Nobel Prize for economics in 1976.

From 1946-1976 he taught at the University of Chicago, a bastion of free-market thinking, and remained a professor emeritus there. He was the last of the great economists to combine the possession of a household name with the highest professional credentials, and in this respect he was often compared with John Maynard Keynes, whose work he always respected, even though he to some extent supplanted it.

Both admirers and detractors have pointed out that his world view was essentially simple: a passionate belief in personal freedom combined with a conviction that free markets were the best way of co-ordinating the activities of dispersed individuals to their mutual enrichment. Where he shone was in his ability to derive interesting and unexpected consequences from simple ideas.

Part of his appeal lay in his willingness to tell home truths that had occurred to others who dared not utter them. Friedman would then go on, however, to defend these maxims against the massed forces of economic correctness; and in the course of those defences he, almost unintentionally, added to know-ledge.

Those who wanted to write him off as a right-wing Republican were disabused by the variety of radical causes he championed. He would not give a millimetre where his convictions were at stake. Although an unassuming and essentially democratic personality, he was human enough to be aware of, and enjoy, his reputation in the last decades of his life.

Friedman’s was an archetypal American success story. He was born in New York in 1912 to poor immigrants and his father died when he was 15. He nevertheless studied at Rutgers and Chicago.

During the Second World War Friedman not only worked for the US Treasury on tax but also had a spell in the statistical war research group at Columbia. He became professor of economics at Chicago in 1946.

Friedman’s own earliest work was in mathematical statistics, where he helped to pioneer some methods, for instance in sampling, which are still in use.

His major achievement was his Theory of the Consumption Function, published in 1957, the work most prominently mentioned in the citation for the Nobel Prize. His investigation was touched off by a well-known paradox that the percentage of income saved increased as income rose. On the other hand, time-series data showed much less change in the savings proportion over the years. Financial Times, Sapa-AFP


2006-11-11 10:10:49 | Weblog


2006-11-11 07:15:24 | Weblog
Sources: Red Sox may have top Matsuzaka bidBy Buster Olney
ESPN The Magazine

The Boston Red Sox may have posted the top bid for the right to negotiate with Japanese right-hander Daisuke Matsuzaka, according to Major League Baseball sources.

There has been no official announcement, and the Seibu Lions, Matsuzaka's team in Japan, have until Tuesday to accept or reject the high bid.

But, according to officials monitoring the bidding, the Red Sox bid may be between $38 million and $45 million.

Matsuzaka, who pitched for Japan's World Baseball Classic champions, is considered among the top prospects available this offseason.

If the Lions accept the top bid, the winning bidder has 30 days to reach an agreement with Matsuzaka. If a deal cannot be reached, he would return to the Lions for the 2007 Japanese baseball season.

By 5 p.m. Wednesday, major league teams interested in bidding on the rights to deal with Matsuzaka had to post a sealed bid. Major League Basball then took the highest bid and forwarded only the dollar figure -- not the identity of the team -- to the Seibu Lions.

According to a source within Major League Baseball, as of Friday afternoon, Seibu had not informed MLB officially whether it had accepted the bid.

There are three reasons the deal would make sense for the Red Sox:

• Talent evaluators who have seen Matsuzaka say he's a top of the rotation-quality pitcher who would improve the Red Sox staff.

• If Boston signs him it would effectively plant a Red Sox flag in the growing Far East market.

• By merely winning the bidding the Red Sox would block the Yankees from acquiring Matsuzaka. By signing him, they would gain the same kind of advantage the Yankees gained when they signed Johnny Damon away from Boston.

Buster Olney is a senior writer for ESPN The Magazine.


2006-11-10 11:40:22 | Weblog


一  般に貿易黒字が大きくなれば、国内に多額の外貨が流入します。そして、貿易黒字を通じて得た外貨が、市場を通じて自国通貨に換金されると、自国通貨は高くなります。そこで中国政府は、貿易黒字を通じて得た外貨を市場の代わりに買い取り、人民元高を抑制しています。その結果、中国の外貨準備は増え続けているわけです。








2006-11-10 09:59:16 | Weblog