

Nov. 17 (Wed.)

2004-11-21 | Weblog
On Wednesdays we have a meeting of Japanese Chat Club at Penn. It is a meeting with Japanese and non-Japanese. Anyone who would like to talk in Japanese can join. Today we talked about students' attitude at class. American students leave a class and come back freely during class. Also they ask a professor questions with lying back in the seat and crossing legs. I was surprised with their bad manners. I heard that is because students can listen to the lecture with their relaxed postures. As long as they listen and understand, posture does not matter. I still feel uneasy when I see students with bad manners.

Nov. 14 (Mon)

2004-11-21 | Weblog
Today I met a Vietnamese American. He is a student of my school. He survived from a plane crash at the Vietnam war and adopted by an American family. He does not know his birthday. He is going to apply for a JET program, teaching English at Japanese schools. I am sure his existance and his story mean a lot to Japanese students.

Nov.12 (Fri)

2004-11-21 | Weblog
Today was my 17th birthday. My boyfriend came to my room last night with a cake and a big present. The present was wapped with a beautiful paper. Cheep looking sun glasses were taped on it. I thought in my mind "Oh, I have better sunglasses". I opened a big box and found a white tape (for sports) to wrap your ankle, a sock, small puzzle (he got it for free), a toothbrush, chopsticks I left his room, my container I lent to him, a guidebook... I am sure I had a purplexed face. Then I picked up a cap (this is also a free stuff), inside of it there was a small box. Very beautiful earings were there! He wanted to see me cry. It was a memorable day.

Nov. 11 (Thu.)

2004-11-14 | Weblog
Today I went to a party organized by an African American organization. Of course it was free! "Soul food" was served there. I have never tried soul food so I have no idea how authentic it was. Although I decided my mind not to eat sweets I ate cakes... I couldn't help...

Nov. 10 (Wed.)

2004-11-11 | Weblog
Today I played Frisbee with my boyfriend. It was fun. While we were playing, a woman walking a dog approached us. Her dog's name is Lady Dragon. Sounds cool, doesn't it? S/he seems to like woman according to the keeper. S/he came to me and seemed glad when I tapped hisr head. Then s/he went close to my boyfriend and stepped back when s/he found out he is male. That was funny.

Nov. 9 (Tue.)

2004-11-11 | Weblog
Today I went to see comedy show "The Underpants". It was funny. Although the story was a little sexy it was clean, neat, and funny. It owes great actors. It was sad that I could not laugh when many people laughed... I even feel like my English is retrogressive.

Nov. 8 (Mon.)

2004-11-11 | Weblog
Here in the US I have to show 21+ID when I go to a bar. Even old people who are apprrently over 60 can not enter a bar without an ID. An international driver's license does not work although I payed money to get it in Japan. I usually do not carry my passport so I could not go to a bar when I wanted to. That's why I decided to get a state ID. I went to the office today but it was closed! It is open Tuesday through Saturday!! I could not believe it it is closed on Mondays!

Nov. 7 (Sun.)

2004-11-09 | Weblog
Today I went to China Town for Yam-cha lunch with my classmate. We ate a lot and cost only $9. There are two famous Yam-cha restaurants in Philly. I have to try the other one. At the chinese supermarket I bought fish soup stock (hondashi). That expands my recipe.

Nov, 6 (Sat.)

2004-11-08 | Weblog
Today I went to see the performance of Indian dance troops. They danced Indian classical dance, mix with classical and modern, film dance, hip hop and so on. It was a great show. Maybe I will join some of the groups who danced today...

Nov. 5 (Fri.)

2004-11-07 | Weblog
On the first Friday of a month it's free to enter all galleries in Philadelphia. There are many galleries along one street. It was crowded with people although it was over 9 pm. Every Sundays it is free to enter Museum of Philadelphia and Rodan museum. Only donation. Isn't it nice?

Nov. 4 (Thu.)

2004-11-05 | Weblog
I went to the orthodontic in dental school today. It's much cheap to have braces at the dental school in the US. A dental school in Penn is the best in the US. It costs 2,450 dollars. The fee is about half price of that of private dentists. It's a fifth or forth of that of Japanese dentists I guess. Today a doctor took many pictures of my teeth. My mouth was going to tear. It was a nightmare!

Nov. 2 (Tue)

2004-11-03 | Weblog
Today is an election day. I saw many signs saying "VOTE" on campus. It's amazing that many young people are enthsiastic about election. I heard that this year was special because young people were very discouraged and mad about the presidential election 4 years ago. I attended two parties and had free food and drink. People gave us hat, badge, and T-shirt specially designed for this election. I enjoyed.

Nov. 1 (Mon.)

2004-11-02 | Weblog
The presidential election is coming soon. I know some events concerning tomorrow's election. I would like to go to a party because it is once in 4 years! But I have a mid-term exam on Wednesday... Today I saw a movie, Fahrenheit 9/11 at a dorm. It was interesting but I slept last one hour... Because I didn't sleep much last night.
# In a big city like Philadelphia most people support Kerry. But some support Bush. When Kerry came to Philly for a campaign, Bush supporters protested like this in a picture.