

Nov. 17 (Wed.)

2004-11-21 | Weblog
On Wednesdays we have a meeting of Japanese Chat Club at Penn. It is a meeting with Japanese and non-Japanese. Anyone who would like to talk in Japanese can join. Today we talked about students' attitude at class. American students leave a class and come back freely during class. Also they ask a professor questions with lying back in the seat and crossing legs. I was surprised with their bad manners. I heard that is because students can listen to the lecture with their relaxed postures. As long as they listen and understand, posture does not matter. I still feel uneasy when I see students with bad manners.

Nov. 14 (Mon)

2004-11-21 | Weblog
Today I met a Vietnamese American. He is a student of my school. He survived from a plane crash at the Vietnam war and adopted by an American family. He does not know his birthday. He is going to apply for a JET program, teaching English at Japanese schools. I am sure his existance and his story mean a lot to Japanese students.

Nov.12 (Fri)

2004-11-21 | Weblog
Today was my 17th birthday. My boyfriend came to my room last night with a cake and a big present. The present was wapped with a beautiful paper. Cheep looking sun glasses were taped on it. I thought in my mind "Oh, I have better sunglasses". I opened a big box and found a white tape (for sports) to wrap your ankle, a sock, small puzzle (he got it for free), a toothbrush, chopsticks I left his room, my container I lent to him, a guidebook... I am sure I had a purplexed face. Then I picked up a cap (this is also a free stuff), inside of it there was a small box. Very beautiful earings were there! He wanted to see me cry. It was a memorable day.