

Nov. 2 (Tue)

2004-11-03 | Weblog
Today is an election day. I saw many signs saying "VOTE" on campus. It's amazing that many young people are enthsiastic about election. I heard that this year was special because young people were very discouraged and mad about the presidential election 4 years ago. I attended two parties and had free food and drink. People gave us hat, badge, and T-shirt specially designed for this election. I enjoyed.


2 コメント

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Unknown (Aaron)
2004-11-05 12:15:54
Hey Yumiko,

I think you are the busiest person in the world. Everyday you have something to do (usually a party with free food and drink). It`s important to mix fun with study. If you only study you will go crazy and not enjoy it. I hope you keep having fun. (Only 3 1/2 weeks until I go home)
Unknown (Yumiko)
2004-11-05 19:13:08
Hi Aaron, thank you for your comment. Enjoy the life in the US is as important as studying. So I attend many events! If they provide free food, it's a MUST! Enjoy your rest of your stay in Japan!
