

Howl's Moving Castle

2005-07-16 | Weblog
Yesterday I went to see a Japanese movie, Howl's Moving Castle. The show I watched had a Japanese narration with English subtitles.I was very happy to watch it because it was the first time to see a Japanese movie in the theater after coming to the US. My eyes were almost filled with tears when I found a little Japanese character on the bottom of the screen saying sponsors'name just before the movie started. Oh, I miss Japan!


2005-07-16 | Weblog
Today I got a great news! My friend in Hong Kong is a film maker. His first feature film was selected for the Sydney Film Festival as well as the Munich Film Festival. Moreover, it was awarded the Grand Prix at the Fukuoka Asian Film Festival in Japan! His dream (as far as I know) was to become a director since he has rich experiences as an assistant director as well as a writer.
The title "b420" means before 20 and before too old. The main actress is a popular singer in HK and
Sam Lee stars, too. I am sure that this film will be on the theater in Japan, so I hope you guys see this film in the theater!

# from b420


2005-07-11 | Weblog
Last week, we had a big storm. One full-time employee found a baby bird in front of his car (he could not find a nest) and brought her to the library with him. Since he was busy, I took care of her during my shift. I fed and gave water to her. She was weak, but a few hours later, she got well and never stopped singing in a quiet library. It was sooo embarassing. I thought she needs some attention, so I took her out of the tissue case, her temporal cage, and played with her. Then, she left droppings all over the desk. She has a huge body and feet unlike her small face. It was funny to see her when she poops because she loses her balance and almost falls down.

Freedom Concert

2005-07-09 | Weblog
There was a free concert on July 4th, Independence Day! It was honorable for me to be in Philadelphia on the day becase the Declaration of Independence was adopted here. Philadelphia was a capital of the US before. There were a lot of events going on such as a big parade, however, I could not go out due to my study... But at night my friends and I went out for the Freedom Concert, charity concert against AIDS.I saw Sir Elton John,Brian Adams, Patti LaBelle. It was a great chance to see their performances.


2005-07-09 | Weblog
On July 2nd, Live 8, a charity free concert was held in Philadelphia. Many popular singers came such as Bon Jovi, Destiny's Child, Will Smith, Alicia Keys, Linkin Park, Jay-Z,Stevie Wonder,and so on.Chris Tucker was on the stage for a word,too. (He didn't sing.) The weather cooperated very well and it was sooooooooo crowded. I enjoyed the event very much, but at the same time I was shocked to see a mountain of garbage all over the road.