

中国のエネルギー戦略(China's energy strategy)

2016-12-20 21:24:16 | コーヒータイム

I found an interesting article about China's venomous energy strategy (or a security strategy based on a rather selfish victim consciousness ), so I would like to describe its Japanese translation and English translation here and warn the alarm bell.
If you read this article, you will also see the intention of China to have constructed four artificial military bases in the South China Sea.

原文のURLは下記。 URL of thhe original article being as follows.


バイバイ、シンガポール! あの港がついに中国をマラッカの呪縛から解き放つ。


Bye bye, Singapore! That pot let China at last stop receiving control of Malacca.

I still remember when the president wrote the dilemma of Melaka Gateway and Singapore, China has launched a number of projects with neighboring countries to break through the tight encirclement of Malacca , under the guidance of "the Belt and Road" Malacca, and one of them is port Gwadar
Gwadar port is located in the vicinity of the throat of the Persian Gulf, very close to Africa, Europe through the Red Sea, Strait of Hormuz, the Persian Gulf to East Asia, th throat of the several important sea routes in the Pacific Oceans.
Through this port, Chinese ships and goods can reach the Middle East and the Persian Gulf region faster, can provide new possibilities for China's energy transport.
This natural deep sea port was once dominated by Singapore. Gwadar port is originally Chinese aid projects in Pakistan, however Singapore obtained the management right of this port in order to prevent China from using the port to break the strait of the Malacca.
Singapore's so called "management" actually did nothing, therefore 2 years ago Pakistan government got the right back from Singapore and gave it to China for managing the port.
In November 13th, China - Gwadar port route finally put into operation!
The value of this route is not only extraordinary big but also significant, and I am quite interested in connecting to the Russian, so I can not wait until connecting.
Currently, Russia has demonstrated its willingness to join the Chinese-Pakistani economic corridor, and on 26th Pakistan decided to approve the Russia's request which let them use Gwadar port for export.
Why is it so special for Gwadar port? What makes it sopecial to capture the eyeballs of the world? People are eager to rush to it and get some benefit. Also, what important role it plays for China in the South-East Asia which revitalize the whole chess game for China?
Break free Strait of Malacca's clamp, it makes China's energy feel so relieved.
Similar with Melaka Gateway,Gwadar port provides the world with a second choice aside from Strait of Malacca.
China,even the whole Asia, has been muzzled by the Strait of Malacca for a long time.
This narrow strait, lies between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, like a giant hand grabbing the throat of the sea. It is a pass that one man can hold against ten thousand.
For instance, at the present, 60% of the world's oil supply, including 80% of the Import oil for China, all need to pass the Strait of Malacca. To China, the strait directly grabs the artery and the throat of the energy for the development of Chinese economy.
Moreover, what we have to mention here is, he who guards the narrowest place of the Strait is Singapore, a country calls for America to be back to the East Asia everyday, to balance China, and it has very close military cooperation with the US.
Although Singapor and China are Homologous born, and its Chinese population is the dominant share of the mainstream, and the two countries are of the same language and the same race, it always stands at the opposite side of China.
Whether it is TPP protocol which excludes China from the Trade Circle, or the Arbitration in South China Sea, Singapore has always made it as its own responsibility to cooperate with the US in order to balance China.
If we want to break through Singapore's engergy control for China, and not to let our own lifeline to be controlled by the other country, China simply has to find another way out. Meleka Gateway is an example, and Gwadar Port is another example.
Right now, with Gwadar Port, China's energy transport routes are able to completely bypass the Malacca Strait, and go ashore directly from Gwadar port, through pipelines or high speed rail, and enters Kashgar. To build a a pipeline from Gwadar Port extending to the pipeline of Iran, it can make the oil and gas transport from Middle Ease to China all the way by the pipeline transportation without tankers.
In this way, China's energy transportation can bypass the Strait of Malacca which has rampant of pirates, as well as the South China Sea, the East China Sea, and Yellow Sea, which are under unstable situations. Thus we will be able to enhance the security and stability of our energy supply!
With Gwadar Port, China can stay away from Singapore and the Strait of Malacca, and will be able to hold our own energy economy artery in our own hands.
Gwadar Port can be described as "to kill 4 birds with one stone", and it can rebitalize the South East Asia.
To get out of being controlled by Malacca, and to give the predicament to Singapore, is the first credit for Gwadar Port. As matter of fact, Gwadar Port has brought to China much more than that. It is really not too much to describe it " to kill 4 birds with one stone " .
The first and the second birds, are what we formerly mentioned the energy security issue and the issue of containing Singapore's strategic position. Gwadar Port is border with Iran. When China completes building pipeline from Iran through Gwadar port and then to the Kashgar , China has won a direct pipeline to the Middle East. With diversified energy channels, will China still be afraid of US and Singapore to make trouble ?
Singapore loves to rely on its strategic position of the Strait of Malacca and the US , its patron, to make troubles to China on issues such as the South East China Sea and so forth. If the railway from Gwadar Port to Kashgar completed, China's goods can export from Gwadar port, completely avoid the Strait of Malacca. In that case, the strategic psosition for Singapore would surely suffer a disastrous decline......
The third bird, is the consideration simply based on the whole big economic situation of the South Asia. The existence Gwadar Port itself would foster China's good brother Pakistan.
Pakistan's economy has always been trapped in the regional situation and the historical reasons, and the situation has been worsned until recently. Compare with India who is in the same South Asia, Pakistan is often at a disadvantage. To build the Gwadar Port with China, is not only conducive to China, but also conducive to the local economy of Pakistan.
If Pakistan's economy is promoted, are we going to afraid that the India's dominant position in South Asia cannot be pinned down ? This game of chess in South Asia could be easily revitalized by a port--Not bad!
The fourth bird is from the military point of view,Gwadar Port could be the parking base for the future Indian Ocean Fleet of the Chinese Navy. If the Chinese Navy stationed there, not only can it guard the Strait of Hormuz, but also can protect the the big energy channel, as well as greatly enhance China's voice in the Middle East and South Asia.
The success in Gwadar Port has made our people rejoice, and made those who share the common interests with China clapping their hands. Meanwhile, it makes Singapore, to its suffering statement, stunned with this staggering blow. The US, busy enough with its own affairs, can do nothing but being restless.
Maybe, there are many variables in the future, or maybe, Singapore and the US would tackle the issue with their corresponding measures.
But one thing that can be sure is that with the Gwadar Port sailing, it begins a resounding start! The economic corridor between China and Pakistan has been opened up. It is a breakthrough for the Strategic Fulcrum of "Belt and Road Initiative" .
Under such a promising trends, it is not impossible for more channels tobe opened up in the future. Like mentioned beofre, we have gained more confidence for the success in building the Melaka Gateway Project in Malaysia.

