私的海潮音 英米詩訳選



2020-01-21 14:31:55 | T・S・エリオット「宗教と文学」翻訳
T. S. Elliot
Religion and Literature


「我々の倫理性において論理を問うただ一つの検めは、それが個人の国家に奉仕する力を何であれ妨げたり破壊したりするか否かである。〔個人は〕問いに答えなければならばならない。『この行動は国民国家を傷つけるか? 国民国家の他の成員を傷つけるか? 国民国家に奉仕する己の能力を傷つけるか?』もしすべての問いに合格するならば、個人は何であれしたいことをする完全な自由を有する」

There are a very large number of the people in the world today who believe that all ills are fundamentally economic. Some believe that various specific economic changes also would be enough to set the world right; others demand more or less drastic changes in the social as well, changes chiefly of two opposed types. These changes demanded, and in some place carried out, are alike in one respect, that they hold the assumption of what I call Secularism: the concern themselves only with changes of a temporal, material, and external nature; they concern themselves with morals only of a collective nature. In an exposition of one such new faith I read the following words:
‘In our morality the one single test of any moral question is whether it impedes or destroy in any way the power of the individual to serve the State. [The individual] must answer the question: “Does this action injure the nation? Dose it injure other members of the nation? Does it injure my ability to serve the nation?” and if the answer is clear on all those questions, the individual has absolute liberty to do as he well.’


2020-01-20 10:19:19 | T・S・エリオット「宗教と文学」翻訳
T. S. Elliot
Religion and Literature



It is our business, as a reader of a literature, to know what we like. It is our business, as Christians, as well as readers of literature, to know what we ought to like. It is our business as honest men not to assume that whatever we like is what we ought to like; and it is our business as honest Christian not to assume that we do like what we ought to like. And the last thing I would wish for would be the existence of two literatures, one for Christians consumption and the other for the pagan world. What I believe to be incumbent upon all Christians is the duty of maintaining consciously certain standards and criteria of criticism over and above those applied by the rest of the world; and that by these criteria and standards everything that we read must be tested. We must remember that the greater part of our current reading matter is written for us by people who have no real belief in a supernatural order, though some of it may be written by people with individual notions of a supernatural order which are not ours. And the great part of our reading matter is coming to be written by people who not only have no such belief, but are even ignorant of the fact that there are still people in the world so ‘backward’ or so ‘eccentric’ as to continue to believe. So long as we conscious of the gulf fixed between ourselves and the greater part of contemporary literature, we are more or less protected from being harmed by it, and are in apposition to extract from it what good it has to offer us.


2020-01-19 12:39:24 | T・S・エリオット「宗教と文学」翻訳
T. S. Elliot
Religion and Literature


私は文学に対するリベラルな態度は働かないだろうと示唆してきた。もし仮に「人生観」を我々に押し付けがちな書き手たちが本当に別個の諸個人であって、もし仮に読み手としての我々が別個の諸個人であったとしても、その結果は何になるのか? まずもって確かに各々の読み手は、その読書によって、己が前もって感銘を受けようと支度してきたものによってのみ感銘を受けるばかりだろう。彼は「最小抵抗線」に従うはずだ。それが彼をより良い者にするという保証はないだろう。文学的な判断のために、我々は直ちに二つのことに鋭く気付く必要がある。「我々は何を好むか」と「何を好むべきか」に。どちらか一方でも知っているほど誠実な人々は殆どいない。一つ目は我々が本当に何を感じているかを知ることを意味する。これを知る者は極めて少ない。二つ目は我々の欠点を理解することを含んでいる。というのも、我々は何故それを好まなければならないか、また何故未だにそれを好んでいないかを知ることなしには、己らが何を好むべきかを本当に知ることはないのだから。己が何であるかを知らない限り、己が何であるべきかを理解するだけでは充分ではない。そして己が何であるべきかを知らない限り、何であるかを理解することはない。己が何であるかと何であるべきか、この二つの自意識の形は共に在るべきなのだ。

I have suggested that the liberal attitude towards literature will not work. Even if the writers make their attempt to impose their ‘view of life’ upon us are really distinct individuals, even if we as readers were distinct individuals, what would be the result? It would be, surely, that each reader would be impressed, in his reading, merely by what he was previously prepared to be impressed by; he would follow the ‘line of least resistance’, and there would be no assurance that he would be a better man. For literary judgement we need to be acutely aware of two things at once: of ‘what we like’ and ‘what we ought to like’. Few people are honest enough to know either. The first means knowing what we really feel: very few know that. The second involves understanding our shortcomings; for we do not really know what we ought to like unless we also know why we ought to like it, which involves knowledge why we don’t yet like it. It is not enough to understand what we ought to be, unless we know what we are; and we do not understand what we are, unless we know what we ought to be. The two forms of self-consciousness, knowing what we are and what we ought to be, must be together.


2020-01-15 21:14:51 | T・S・エリオット「宗教と文学」翻訳
 ……二行目に出てくる「Miss. Mannin」が何者であるかは〔少なくとも広辞苑とウィキペディアでは〕確かめられませんでした。文脈からして「高尚な文学/バーナード・ショーとウルフ夫人」に対する「低俗な文学/ノエル・カワードとマン嬢」となるため、ヴァージニア・ウルフと同時代の大衆的に人気を博した女性の流行作家ではないかと推測されます。しかしエリオット氏は素敵に皮肉で厭味ったらしい。「俺以外は世の中馬鹿ばかりだ」と率直に言ってしまえよ。

T. S. Elliot
Religion and Literature


 私は単に気難しい不平を同時代の文学に対して述べているだけだという印象を与えたくはない。私の読者がた、あるいは読者がたの幾何かと私自身のあいだに共通する態度を仮定するならば、疑問点はそう多くなない。それ対して何が為されるか? 同様に、それに対して我々は如何に振舞うべきか?

*バーナード・ショー〔George Bernard Show/1856-1950〕英国の劇作家・批評家。『人と超人』『聖ジョージ』
*ノエル・カワード〔Sir Noel Coward/1899-1973〕英国の俳優・作家・脚本家・演出家。
*ウルフ〔Virginia Woolf/1882-1941〕英国の女性作家。『ダロウェー夫人』『灯台にて』
*マン嬢 ……?

Within itself, modern literature has perfectly valid distinctions of good and bad, better and worse: and I do not suggest that I confound Mr. Bernard Show with Mr. Noel Coward, Mrs. Woolf with Miss Mannin. On the other hand, I should like it to be clear that I am not defending a ‘high-brow’ against ‘low-brow’ literature. what I do to affirm is that the whole of modern literature is corrupted by what I call Secularism, that it is simply unaware of, simply cannot understand the meaning of, the primacy of the supernatural over the natural life: of something which I assume to be our primary concern.
I do not want to give the impression that I have delivered a mere fretful jeremiad against contemporary literature. Assuming a common attitude between my readers, or some of my readers, and myself, the question is not so much, what is to be done about it? As, how should we behave toward it?


2020-01-14 12:34:27 | T・S・エリオット「宗教と文学」翻訳
 二行目の大文字の「ブレイクたち/Blakes」は、正直これでよいのか自信がありませんが、同じ行の「vision」からの連想でウィリアム・ブレイクではないかということにしておきました。ブレイクの作品についてはカテゴリ「W・ブレイク」でTigerとThe Sick Roseを訳しております。
 以下は雑感になります。今回の第十五段落の後半の'there never was a time'を三回繰り返すリフレインの部分には、理知的な散文作者のなかにふと詩人が顔を出してしまったような、おこがましいながら微笑ましさを感じました。そしてふと「バーント・ノートン」の冒頭を思い出しました。↓

  おそらくは どちらもまだ来ぬときのうちに在り

  Time present and time past
  Are both perhaps present in time future,
  And time future contained in time past.
  if all time is eternally present
  All time is unredeemable.


T. S. Elliot
Religion and Literature



 *ブレイク〔William Blake/1757-1827〕英国の詩人・画家

If the contemporary authors were really individualists, every one of them inspired Blakes, each with his separate vision, and if the mass of the contemporary public were really a mass of individuals there might be something to be said for this attitude. But this is not, and never has been, and never will be. It is not only that the reading individual today[or at any day] is not enough an individual to be able to absorb all the ‘view of life’ of all the authors pressed upon us by the publishers’ advertisements and reviewers, and to be able to arrive at wisdom by considering one against another. It is that the contemporary authors are not individual either. It is not the world of separate individuals of the liberal democrat is undesirable; it is simply that this world does not exist. For the reader of contemporary literature is not, like the reader of the established great literature of all time, exposing himself to the influence of divers and contradictory personalities; he is exposing himself to a mass movement of writers who, each of them, think that they have something in individually to offer, but are really all working together in the same direction. And there never was a time, I believe, when the reading public was so large, or so helplessly exposed to the influences of its own time. There never was a time, I believe, when these who read at all, read so many more books by living authors than books by dead authors; there never was a time so completely parochial, so shut off from the past. There may be too many publishers; there are certainly too many books published; and the journals ever incite the reader to ‘keep up’ with what is being published. Individualistic democracy has come to high tide: and it is more difficult today to be an individual than it ever was before.