仙台 長町南 子供英会話スクール ことばわ~るど★STARRY★から情報発信!

I love Akita!!!!!

2021年06月18日 | ★STARRY★

Today I want to talk about my favorite place in Japan. It's Akita Prefecture!! Akita is the first place I lived when I came to this country. It's famous for the Akita breed of dog.

These kinds of dogs work really hard. Some look like small bears! They usually are not so friendly to strangers, but they love their own family members very much. Akita Prefecture is also well-known for having the most beautiful women in Japan. People say that it is because winters are long and cold there with a lot of snow, so it makes the skin of Akita ladies quite white (not as suntanned as women in Okinawa or Kyushu, for instance). There is also a story about Ono no Komachi living in Akita a long time ago. Ono no Komachi was a poet who was considered by many to be the most gorgeous woman in Japanese history. Today there is a festival in Akita which celebrates her.

Here is a photo of a popular celebrity from Akita named Dan Mitsu. She is sooo pretty!!! Another thing I like about Akita is its nature. There are nice mountains, forests, and beaches there. Oga Peninsula (男鹿半島) is a place that many tourists like to visit. It is next to the ocean, and there's an aquarium in Oga which is extremely popular. But be careful! Oga is also known for its scary namahage!! It's a kind of monster that tries to catch crying children and eat them. 

No, thank you!! I enjoy seeing beautiful women in Akita, but I don't enjoy meeting namahages. Haha... Anyway, I do like Miyagi Prefecture too. The north-west part of Miyagi touches south-east Akita. In fact, many people move from Akita to Miyagi because they can find good jobs or attend university in Sendai. So if you sometimes see a very cute girl in Sendai, perhaps she is actually from Akita!!!!  

- Peter Bird on emojidex


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