

『DavidIcke.com』 の 【youtube】 サイト

2007年07月16日 | 9.11のイカサマ

『DavidIcke.com』 の 【youtube】 サイト


投稿者 愚民党 日時 2007 年 7 月 16 日


My videos cover the topics that the mainstream media don't want to touch for fear of upsetting their advertisers and the government. I am just someone who has looked at the facts and I am merely relaying those facts to you. I ask you to go and check out for yourself everything said in my videos to confirm for yourself that what I say is true. Please note that I am not a "conspiracy nut", a "leftie", a "rightie", a "liberal", a "jew", a "muslim", a "disinformation agent", or any other label that debunkers try to pin on me. I am just a human who happens to be born in the UK, and who is seeking the truth and nothing more. I love people from every race, creed, colour and nationality. I believe in Almighty God but I have no time for religions or political parties. All I want is truth, freedom and peace. Whatever your point of view, I hope that you find these videos thought-provoking and entertaining.
名前: Nufff Respect

国: イギリス
関心事と趣味: Rense.com, InfoWars.com, 911Truth.org, PrisonPlanet.com
ウェブサイト: http://www.davidicke.com/



