

Tong ocean

2014-07-26 13:07:34 | カヤックフィッシング
Today was sunny day too.
Tough condition was also like yesterday,
tide graph...

full flat.

but a little good only early morning, I caught an Ishimoti, and
saber fish.

Broken lure parts by sharp teeth of saber fish.

When sun was rising up, they were no contact...

Too hot! realy too hot...

Let's carefuly for heat illness.




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NG Ocean

2014-07-25 15:01:18 | カヤックフィッシング
Today was fine
though it doesn't end of the rainy season in still around here.


but situation was tough, wave from north-west, wind from north or east.


It was tough also in the sea, I don't catch anything.
because tide was done.


4h to 8h is flat...

First and last fish hit on at 100m depth.
It wasn't pull mach, only... heavy...

It was Kurosoi, too huge.


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Tong ocean

2014-07-21 12:07:16 | カヤックフィッシング
I went fishing today, but start 6:00, because I overslept.

but my condition is no good.
Meybe I have a cold? or
lack of sleep?
I have seasickness, though no wave day.Lol

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NG ocean

2014-07-20 12:38:24 | カヤックフィッシング
19 to 21 are triple holidays.
Many kayakangler came to Itoigawa from Kanto.

I paddling out from NG coast with Mackey,Nabebuta-X.

South wind about 4m, that would be nice for Hobie Island.

First fish was Kigihata.

It's good.

I guess Madai is 90m depth?
but it's 75m today.

It's nice.

and second

Today was half moon of last quarter, that would be great while some days advance.
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NG ocean

2014-07-15 16:51:02 | カヤックフィッシング
Weather was rarely fine in the Tuyu season.
I went to fishing to NG ocean, to aim a Big Rock Fish,
it's Ishi-chan.

Situation was tough, wave from north, wind from south, and
Jellyfish many many entangled line.

I got a fish contact suddenly at 90m depth,
it's maybe nice size, but...
leader line broken out as soon as some seconds later.

I stung for tentacle of Jellyfish, it's piri-piri...
emergency aid, I washed in seawater first, and roast a little
in the fire of the lighter.

I moved to shallow area,

Magochi fish was caught easily, but Hirame fish 2 get away...

I'd like to revenge soon.
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Tong Ocian

2014-07-03 16:31:21 | カヤックフィッシング
I wouldn't like to write my blog...
because didn't catch anything...

that's only...

very small.
but 錆刀 is also good for Tai-Rubber-Fishing, that's rod in this photo.

while long time nothing, and get a bore.
I think not good when wind from north, and rain last night.

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