English Collection


at the drop of a hat

2011年09月13日 | 英語学習
米国系会社のトップとして日本に送り込まれたMAXも日本での仕事や生活に大分慣れて来たようです。MAXの妻の事はいつも "the beautiful Gloria" と書かれているのですが、意味深長なThe Affair, Part Iと題された章に入りました。
"There sure are a lot of young lovelies flouncing and giggling about. And my, oh my, what tidy little bodies," Unchecked, the theme gradually developed.
They seem so friendly, and anxious to please.
They range all the way from "cute" to sultry.
They appear to be undemanding.
They dress well and always look groomed.
They undress well, at the drop of a hat, in clubs and show bars.
They embody the Oriental mystique.
They look at me and blush.
They look at me and don't blush.
They look at me.
Yes, Max was approaching the "wonder what it's like" stage without actually realizing it.
"They undress well" と言える様なクラブには私は行ったことがないので、同意はできませんが、それより慣用句と思われる "at the drop of a hat" はどんな意味か気になります。
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: as soon as the slightest provocation is given: immediately
・Cambridge Dictionaries Online: If you do something at the drop of a hat, you do it immediately without stopping to think about it: People will file lawsuits at the drop of a hat these days.
・McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs: Fig. immediately; instantly; on the slightest signal or urging. (Alludes to the dropping of a hat as a signal.) John was always ready to go fishing at the drop of a hat. If you need help, just call on me. I can come at the drop of a hat.
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