English Collection



2009年12月02日 | 英語学習
今日もRDの単語クイズ、Word Powerの続きです。私が興味を持ったもう一つの単語は "panic" です。 では "panic" の意味は次ぎのどれでしょうか?
A: racoon-like animal
B: kind of grass
C: symbol for 0
こんな問題が受験問題に出題されたら "panic" に落ちそうです。
答えはBで例文は: "Don't panic!" the landscaper said to his assistant. "That's not poison sumac - it's just woolly panic grass." が載っていました。
"sumac" も以前とりあげた単語ですが、恐らく受験に役立つ単語ではありません。(通訳ガイドの試験なら出ないとは限りませんが)  "panic" を辞書で見てみます。
・Webster's New World College Dictionary: any of several grasses (genus Panicum), as millet, used as fodder; also panic grass
・Natural Magick: A plant of the genus Panicum; panic grass; also, the edible grain of some species of panic grass. Panic grass (Bot.), any grass of the genus Panicum.
例文: "...But then those taste best that feed on fat things, and eat wheat, millet, and Panick. But such as eat Wormwood, their eggs are bitter..." ; "...Some parts of France use Panick, but chiefly Aquitane. But Italy about Po, add beans to it, without which they make nothing. The people of Pontus prefer no meat before Panick. Panick meal now adays(sic) is neglected by us and out of use, for it is dry and of small nourishment. .."
"panic" は雑穀の一種のようですが、植物に興味のない方には迷惑な話題でしたね。
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