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Steve Jobs and other IT industry leaders do not give their children digital

2024-10-15 11:09:22 | 翻訳記事 Translation


 Be that as it may, my heart is darkened by the fact that Israel's barbarism seems to be unstoppable. Still, I am a little comforted by the fact that world public opinion against Israel seems to be becoming increasingly severe.
 One example, I believe, is the signature campaign that has begun calling for “the U.S. and Israel to be removed from the United Nations in order to uphold international law. The Ukrainian army has also lost 20,000 people in Kursk, so it may not have much longer to go.
 Also, there is a growing movement in Japan to have people vaccinated with the Replicon vaccine, but even the Florida Commissioner of Public Health is now issuing a warning, “Be careful with the Corona vaccine, stop vaccinating! is now being issued as a warning.
 I am driven by the feeling that we need to make more and more people in Japan aware of this trend.

 The “Corona fiasco” has led to the widespread use of electronic devices such as the iPad, and the industry is overjoyed at the huge profits it has made.
 However, few media outlets have raised the alarm about the danger of “smartphone brain” that is eating away at people. The Ministry of Education has only promoted the spread of iPads in classrooms, but I have not heard of any warning against their use.
 Smartphone addiction, depression and sleep disorders, impaired academic performance, memory, and concentration, the brain is steadily being eroded as people become addicted to the convenience of smartphones - the latest research reveals this reality, yet the Ministry of Education does not seem to feel a sense of crisis.
 Anders Hansen's “Smartphone Brain” (Shincho-Shinsho 2020) has already become a bestseller, and it is widely known that Steve Jobs and other IT industry leaders do not give their children digital devices, but the Ministry of Education seems to be a salesman for the industry.
 (Akio Mori, “IT Kills Children: The Spreading Game Brain,” Kodansha, Ltd. It was already published 20 years ago, in 2004.)
 Finally, however, the head of the Department of National Health Policies and Systems at the World Health Organization (WHO) has issued a warning about “game brains,” and has called for “the danger of excessive use of cell phones and other devices,” and “the same restrictions as for smoking! The news came in that the head of the National Health Policy and Systems Department of the World Health Organization (WHO) issued a warning against “gaming brain” and called for “the danger of excessive use of mobile phones and other devices” and “regulation of gaming like smoking!
 I applaud Dr. Natasha Azzopardi-Muscat for taking advantage of the “Corona fiasco” to declare a pandemic and spread the vaccine after-effects around the world, but there are some well-meaning people out there. She said, “Excessive use of cell phones and other devices is dangerous and should be regulated just like smoking! She appealed to the public.

 I am sending the material information below before the information becomes OLDS instead of NEWS. As usual, please start with the ones you have a craving for.
 Also, there may be some material that has already been uploaded, translated, or proofread. We would be grateful if you could forgive us in that case.

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 すでにアンデシュ・ハンセン『スマホ脳』(新潮新書2020) がベストセラーになり、スティーブ・ジョブズを筆頭に、IT業界のトップが我が子にデジタル・デバイスを与えないということも広く知られてきているのに、文科省は業界のセールスマンになっているかのようです。
 「コロナ騒ぎ」を利用してパンデミック宣言を発信して世界中にワクチン後遺症を撒き散らしたWHOですが、なかには良心的人物もいるようで、少しは救われます。Natasha Azzopardi-Muscat博士に拍手を送りたいと思います。彼女は「携帯その他の使いすぎは危険、喫煙と同じように規制を!!」と訴えていました。



Drug pushers who keep their own children from using drugs will sell drugs to others as long as they can make money.











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