Club jannmu

future meet past 
I recommend that you read back

Will take a long time for

2024-10-04 09:44:00 | 翻訳記事 Translation


They can do anything you want, just barely breaking the law.

They can break the law and be acquitted in court.

Congress is the legislative branch (the body that makes new laws), so members of Congress are expected to be even more “ethical” than ordinary people.

It is impossible to decide everything in advance by law. If it were, we would have a very tight society. That is what is happening now.

For example, if a professional boxer commits a violent act in his private life, his crime is more serious than that of an average person.

If a famous movie actor commits a crime, for example, his crime is more serious than that of the general public because of the public impact.

The current members of Congress in the U.S. and Japan do not have this “ethical sense” at all. It would be safe to say that they have none. And the high-ranking bureaucrats have no sense of ethics either.

They base all of their decisions on whether or not their own pockets will be enriched, and they have no sense of ethics. They cover up incidents and crimes and change the laws to suit their own needs.


The Shadow of the Shadow













I believe it has taken and will take a long time for a large number of people around the world to learn this, but they (U.S. Democrats and Israel's Netanyahu) may not have the concept of a RED LINE.

In this sense, Julian Assange and Snowden deserve a lot of credit. Respect their courage.

It is a world in which those in power argue that it is not fair that there is something different between crime and punishment, and that it is unquestionable that there is something overwhelmingly different between a crime and a finding of a crime between those in power and ordinary people. It is a perverse world.


If there is peace with Russia, the military/security complex loses its enemy, which means its power and its budget.



世界中の大勢の人々がこのことを知るまでに、これまでの時間が必要だったと考えているし今後も必要だが、一線(RED LINE)の概念を彼ら(アメリカ民主党とイスラエルのネタニヤフ)は持っていないのかもしれない。
















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