日本のイスラーム (Islam in Japan)


To extend the hands of Help for the victims of Tsunami

2011年03月13日 | MESSAGE


Assalaamu 'Alaykum, my dear brothers and sisters,

Innaa lillaahi wa innaa ilayhi Raaji'uun

We are here for the sake of Allah and we are definitely going to go back to Him oneday.

Here is a call from Islamic Circle of Japan to expand the sources of help for the victims of Earthquake and Tsunami in Eastern Japan.

Please answer the call and spread it to all the Muslims and people in the world, thank you.


Ameer e Circle has expressed grief and sympathy
Islamic Circle of Japan to collect relief and distribute among victims

After devastating earthquake followed by Tsunami, Japan is yet to be recoverd from the shock.

Thousands of people passed away and fearing to die under this disaster or still missing.

Miyagi Ken has been worst hit.

Islamic Circle of Japan extends sympathy to everyone effected and victims.
Ameer e Circle in his message has expressed his grief and prayed to Allah the Almighty to shower His mercy and to safeguard everyone.

Islamic Circle of Japan has set up a relief cell and shall be collecting donations in cash and rescue supply which shall be distributed among the victims of effected areas.

Individuals can send their donations by cash to the following post office accounts.

Post Office Account No:10040-88602691......Islamic Circle of Japan

Goods can be handed over at the following centers of ICOJ.

Hira Masjid Gyotoku, Ichikawa, Chiba 
Contact :090-3574-9812
Jamil Ahmed

Quba Masjid, Tatebayashi, Gunma 
Contact :090-6110-1977
Tariq Khan

Bab ul Islam, Oyama, Tochigi
Contact :090-2538-9097

Masjid Abu Bakar, Mito, Ibaragi
contact :Saeed Beigh
Tel :080-3524-2567

الإنسان أخو الإنسان أحب أم كره

"Human Being is the brother of the Human Being whether he likes it or not." 

Please extend your hands of help to the people in eastern Japan

where there are our Muslims brothers and sisters suffering and all our future potential brothers and sisters suffering a lot.

Jazaakumu-llaahu khairan!


2 コメント

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Salam alaykoum (Saeed)
2011-03-16 00:58:14
Hi Ahmed,

how we can help you plz ? because i live in France.
Allah help you !
by any means possible (Abu Hakeem)
2011-03-17 22:43:35
Assalaamu 'Alaykum, Brother Sa'eed,
Thanks a lot for your care! Akramakumu-llaah!
As for your precious help for me and my family, your Doaa is good enough.
But for the victims of earthquake and Tsunamis, please donate to the above mentioned account or any reliable account as Tsunami fund or something, thank you.
