horizon doux italia de -torino-


Living in Torino

2008-01-13 | イタリア人夫の稀投稿
Hello to everyone! I am the Italian husband, and I will start speaking about the city where we are living, Torino. Torino is in the North West of Italy, and it is the capital city of Piemont. About 900000 people live here, and it was an industrial city mainly dealing in car making. Both FIAT and Lancia were born in here. Lately, it is becoming a different city, as lots of people from many countries are coming here. We are used to integration and welcoming different cultures in Torino, as with the industrialization, the city welcomed hundreds of thousands of workers from the North Eastern and Southern regions of Italy. Now, this is a fast changing place,where you can visit the biggest street market of Europe and hear Arabic spoken besides Chinese or Piemonteis or Souther Italian languages and dialects. It is a city where you can find Japanese restaurants and brazilian food, but still drink our traditional red wine or eat bagna caoda (one of the most typical piemonteis foods).

Torino has 2000 years of history. It was founded by August, the emperor of the Romans on the same site of the former capital city of the local "Taurini" tribe, which was destroyed by Hannibal the Carthaginian. It was an outpost of the Romans in the midst of Celtic and Ligurian tribes. For many centuries it was a small town, still enclosed in the roman walls and trying to build alongside the perpendicular streets of a roman military camp. Then it became the capital of a small nation under the Savoy Dukes from Chambery, then later the capital of Italy, and then the seat of Italy's most important industries. In this city, you can shop in a former FIAT factory (now turned into a mall) and visit palaces of the former kings built in 1600. And the Roman gates still stand, just a 5 minutes walk from a muslim mosque founded by moroccans. We will try to explain to you life in this city. To explain what it means to live in Torino, what it means to be Turineis, and what to be a "foreigner" in this city.


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