

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II Endor DLC 翻訳

2011-01-04 21:00:00 | フォース・アンリーシュド
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....



The Rebellion is on the brink of destruction. Mounting a desperate attack on the second DEATH STAR, the Rebels hope to restore freedom to the Galaxy.

While the battle rages in space, a small band of Rebels land on the Forest Moon of ENDOR to assault the shield generator protecting the battle station.

Little do the Rebels know, Darth Vader has dispatched his personal assassin, a dark clone of Starkiller, to finish the Rebellion once and for all....

Darth Vader: The Rebels must be stopped before they can destroy the shield generator. Leave no survivors.

Dark Apprentice: Understood, my Master.

Darth Vader: There will be no one to stop us this time.

Dark Apprentice: Yes, my Master.

Rebel Soldier: Everyone take positions, we have incoming!

Rebel Soldier: Activate those turrets.

Rebel Soldier: He’s over here!

Han solo: Chewie, we got company.

Han solo: Stay down, Chewie. I’ve got you covered.

Han solo: Can’t you figure out how to control that thing!? It’s getting a little hot down here!

Han solo: Well think of something!

Han solo: We have to buy the princess more time!

Han solo: CHEWIE!!!

Rebel Soldier: Princess, you go on! We’ll cover you. You have to set those charges!

Princess Leia: Understood... and thank you.

Rebel Soldier: Don’t let him through!

Dark Apprentice: I don’t know why you even bother...

Princess Leia: There is much you fail to see, Sith.

Princess Leia: After my brother fell on Hoth, I fulfilled the destiny that he could not.

Princess Leia: Now I am a Jedi.

Dark Apprentice: You show promise, but you have much to learn.

Dark Apprentice: It's over, you rebel scum.

The emperor: A great day, Lord Vader. Today marks the death of the Rebellion, and the birth of a new era of peace for the Empire. There is but one last detail to take care of.

The emperor: Do you take me for a fool? Your feeble schemes to overthrow me using that pathetic clone of your former apprentice were pitifully obvious from their inception.

The emperor: Now Skywalker… you will die.

The emperor: Ha ha ha!

The emperor: Captain Sarcli...

Captain Sarcli: My Liege.

The emperor: Take your troops and destroy the clone.

