

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II DEMO 動画&翻訳

2010-10-14 14:00:00 | フォース・アンリーシュド

Darth Vader: Starkiller's Jedi mentor has been captured.

Starkiller: General Kota?

Darth Vader: Yes. When your training is complete, you will travel to Cato Neimoidia and execute him.

Rahm Kota: Vader thinks he's turned you... But I can sense your future... And Vader won't always be your master...

Darth Vader: You are still haunted by visions.

Starkiller: Yes, Master.

Starkiller: I sometimes smell a forest on fire. I see the General falling, and I feel the ground shake as starship crashes around me. I hear a woman's voice when I try to sleep.

Darth Vader: They are the memories of a dead man. A side effect of the cloning process and the memory flashes used to train you. They will fade.

Starkiller: And if they don't?

Darth Vader: They you will be of no use to me.

Darth Vader: Starkiller's emotions made him weak.

Darth Vader: You must destroy what he created.

Darth Vader: And you must learn to hate what he loved.


Juno Eclipse: You're still loyal to Vader! After he branded me a traitor and tried to kill you...

Starkiller: Who are you?

Juno Eclipse: Vader said you were dead... but you came back...

Starkiller: What is this?

Juno Eclipse: Don't make me leave another life behind.

Starkiller: Why is this happening?

Juno Eclipse: But now, the fate of this Alliance rests only with you.

Starkiller: What's happening to me?


Juno Eclipse: Wait! Don't...

Starkiller: Juno?

Juno Eclipse: Yes.

Darth Vader: Strike her down!

Starkiller: I can't!

Darth Vader: You will! You were created to do my bidding!

Darth Vader: Then it is as I feared...

Starkiller: Why is this happening to me?

Darth Vader: The accelerated cloning process is still... imperfect. Those who came before you went mad within months. I believed you would be the first success, but it seems you are to suffer the same fate.

Starkiller: What will you do with me?

Emergency call: Alert. Escape in progress.

Emergency call: Subject has breached containment. Lockdown procedures engaged.

Starkiller: I'm warning you!

Emergency call: He's in the Plaza, all hands, this is emergency.

Starkiller: Leave me alone!

Emergency call: He's back inside, in the administrative offices. Stop him!

Starkiller: Blast it!

Emergency call: He's almost to the landing platforms! Give it all you've got.


4 コメント

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感謝 (マスター・キッサ)
2010-11-07 21:27:15
コメントありがとうございます!! (dark)
2010-11-07 22:27:41

マスター・キッサ (見させていただきました!)
2010-11-08 12:25:39
フォースの守りあれ!! (dark)
2010-11-08 22:59:56


