
日本在住歴約40年のRon McFarlandと外資系勤務が長い齋藤信幸が、それぞれの海外体験を語ります。

Ron McFarlandの Personal Journey (4-b): 夢を忘れず、仕事・軍事訓練、そして・・・・・

2022-10-15 18:12:29 | Ron's Life Story
今朝(2022年10月16日)の朝日新聞の一面、「台湾有事 直面する懸念 米国に見捨てられ 衝突に巻き込まれ」。とはいえ、まだ、日本人の多くは、それほど深刻ではありません。


After boot camp, I returned to my reserve unit as a company clerk, which angered the commander. So, I was assigned to drill sergeant school for two years. Believe it or not, by going through drill sergeant school and acting as a drill sergeant for about two and a half years, I learned how to teach. I didn’t like it, and I was not a very good drill sergeant, but I did learn some things, particularly how to stand up in front of a group and teach.

In those days, my life was managing the store at Woolworth’s and going to Army Reserve meetings. I noticed at that time I still had a great desire to get into international business in any way I could. I always found myself in the stock room reading the origins of the merchandise Woolworth’s was bringing in from Asia, particularly Japan, Korea and Hong Kong in those days. I was continuing to read business magazines and what the United States was importing and exporting worldwide. With the huge figures of products being imported from Japan, I decided to start studying Japanese. I was around 26 years old at that time(1974年).

I signed up for an adult education Japanese class right in San Jose. That was an interesting experience, because here I was in a class mostly of third and fourth generation American Japanese who wanted to (or was pressured to by their direct parents) learn the language to be able to talk to relatives back in Japan. They all kind of wondered why I was putting myself through some much pain to learn that extremely difficult language. In those days, I too found the language extremely difficult. As I was not doing it for anyone except myself, I decided to flunk myself two times in the entry level Japanese classes. I finally got an understanding of the material after the third time around.

As Japanese is not an easy language, people really appreciated my effort, particularly the Japanese people who were poor English speakers. They regularly gave me encouragement while my own American friends and my own family thought I was crazy.

In order to visit my mother in Sacramento more regularly, I changed Army Reserve units to one in Sacramento. Then, I would go to Sacramento once a month to attend the weekend meetings.

With working at Woolworth’s 48 hours a week, going to the Army Reserves and taking Japanese classes, I found it all a bit much. As I paid off all the college debts I had built up when I was a student and was still single at the time, I decided to quit working for Woolworth’s and moved up to Oakland, California.

Sam Fisk, whom I lived with in the Roger Williams house in San Jose, was living in Oakland and going to school in San Francisco. His house there had a spare room I could rent. So, off I went to Oakland.

In Oakland, I set up Japanese language classes over in San Francisco and worked part-time for another person who lived in the house and had his own business selling computer data input services. Basically, it was asking companies if they needed help getting various data into their computers. He hired ladies to punch in the data and charged for the services he could sell. I did that direct selling for him too for a short time. I learned I enjoyed outside selling even though over a four-month period, I only brought in one account, Macy Department Store in San Francisco.





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Ron McFarlandの Personal Journey (4-a): ヨーロッパ旅行から帰国して。グローバルビジネスを目指すが・・・・

2022-10-08 23:36:56 | Ron's Life Story

Coming back from Europe I knew I wanted to get into the international business community in some capacity. I sent out resumes to every American multinational corporation I could think of, from international carriers to corporations with investments and partners worldwide.

My Father, having worked for Bank of America for many years, set up appointments for job interviews throughout the bank in San Francisco. In one of those interviews the interviewer was very mean to me. He kept repeating that I do not nearly have the background to qualify for the type of position I was looking for. He said I would at least need a masters’ degree, a second language or specialty in a given country or region to even be slightly considered. So, I had no hope at that time and would have to explore how to move forward. I went back to San Jose to my rooming house completely dejected.

After some deliberation, I decided to take the first management job I could find as business management was my major at San Jose State University, and for the time being I would have to give up on all the change of any career in international business.

In San Jose, F.W. Woolworth’s needed store managers, and I was employed as a store manager trainee.

I started out in the stock room checking in merchandise and putting them into stock or taking them to the showroom floor. I learned how to receive goods, compare them with purchase orders, and stock them in the most ideal location and how to monitor inventory control.

From there, I moved to the store sales floor. At that time, I was promoted to assistant store manager, and I managed half the store sales floor and another assistant manager had the other half. I learned on the sales floor how to keep the merchandise out on display and meet customers. For most of the time I was at FW Woolworth’s, I had to cover the entire showroom floor, as the assistant managers kept quitting.

Several things I learned at Woolworth’s. One is I that enjoyed working with the public and interacting with a lot of different people. I also learned I had a knack with managing people particularly women for some reason. I guess it was because I grew up with women, my mother and sister. The more I learned the better manager I became and the more respect I commanded in the store, in some cases more than the store manager himself.

During those years, I was still in the Army Reserves. Therefore, I was not only learning management skills at Woolworth’s, but I was also learning management and teaching skills in the Reserves as well. Right in boot camp I learned the management and motivational techniques of competition among groups and team pride. My company had three platoons with four squads each. One squad has made up of about seven people, and I was a squad leader.

I learned that a leader has to participate just as much as the rest of the quad. He cannot sit back and let everyone else do all the work, as respect will be lost. That is something that has held true in every company I managed in. Our squads would continually compete against each other in a wide range of very detailed activities and each platoon generated its own pride. With those techniques, we were all highly motivated even though none of us wanted to be there! About 90% of that company was reservist trying to stay out of the Vietnam War.





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Ron McFarlandの Personal Journey (3-l) : 人生初めての長旅 - この旅行での気づき

2022-10-01 23:16:00 | Ron's Life Story




From Belgium, I went to Holland for a day or two. Then, I took the train/ferry back to London. On the train, I met two South Africans who both smoked. In those days, I smoked too, and we bet that we would not smoke until we got to London. Well, I won and they lost. A month or so after that, I quit for good and have not smoked since.

Back in London, I saw Jimmy again and then went back to San Jose.

In this maiden trip, I learned my love of travel and fascination with different ways of living and thinking. It really opened my eyes as to the options we have available to us in life.

When thinking of different nations, I think of the Olympics and the different teams representing their countries. Those teams are competing. I thought to myself, what can be achieved if we work together instead of just competing? Is that concept possible, I thought back then. Yes, even then I think it was (and still is) possible. So, I looked at the multinational business community. The international business community which supplies goods and services worldwide was the way to go for me.

That trip convinced me that the international world was for me.





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Ron McFarlandの Personal Journey (3-k) : 人生初めての長旅 - スイスのジュネーブからフランス、ベルギーへ

2022-09-24 15:58:11 | Ron's Life Story

From Geneva, I took the train to Bordeaux, France and spent a day in the French wine country. I met a Japanese person there who was also traveling like me. At the winery there was a visitor’s registration sign-in log. He drew a beautiful picture of Japan in the registration book. I’ll never forget that.

From Bordeaux, I traveled to Paris and met the American girls I met in Italy. That is where they were studying. They showed me around and told me how to get around. Next to London, Paris has the best subway in Europe. Paris is the world of fashion and art.

From Paris, I went to Belgium and spent a day or two with one of my sister Israeli kibbutz member’s family. There is a lot of action in Brussels, even though it is in one of the smallest countries in Europe.






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Ron McFarlandの Personal Journey (3-j) : 人生初めての長旅 - ドイツからスイスへ

2022-09-17 21:50:25 | Ron's Life Story


From Munich, I was off to Switzerland. I wanted to get out of the larger cities, so I headed for Interlaken and Grindelwald, Switzerland. If there ever were a place that you want to tuck yourself away in and write a book, that is it. With extremely slow moving trains winding in the hills and rolling slopes that are breathtaking in beauty, it is a great place for inspiration.

From there I was off to Geneva, the French-speaking side of Switzerland. It is amazing that Switzerland can be one country with German spoken in the north, Italian spoken in the south and French spoken in the west.

From Interlaken, Swiss (German-speaking side) I traveled to Geneva, the French-speaking side of Switzerland. Geneva is one of the most international cities I know, even though the spoken language is French. Many non-governmental organizations are there (IMF, WHO, GATT [now WTO], etc.).





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Ron McFarlandの Personal Journey (3-i) : 人生初めての長旅 - ドイツの続き

2022-09-09 23:12:41 | Ron's Life Story

Also, just to the north-east of Munich is Stuttgart, that is the Swabian region of Germany. If you say they are part of Bavaria, they will get angry at you. That is where Porsche, Bosch and Mercedes-Benz world headquarters are. Those two regions have beer drinking contests every year during Oktoberfest. I had a customer one hour from Stuttgart and went there often. In the center of Stuttgart they would construct large tents for beer drinking during Oktoberfest.

Just outside of Munich is a city called Dachau. That city is famous for being one of the German concentration camps during World War II. The main concentration camp is in southern Poland, called Auschwitz. Over six million Jewish people were killed in those camps. That was a shock for me to see which I’ll never forget. I mentioned my mother is Jewish and that I started this trip visiting my sister in Israel. Well, you could say that the whole country of Israel was created by the Holocaust. The European Jews (including the German Jews) were so shocked over it that they moved to Israel and the country was officially established in 1948, interestingly the year I was born. In the many times I visited Israel after that, I would always meet people that had relatives in those camps.





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Ron McFarlandの Personal Journey (3-h) : 人生初めての長旅 - ドイツ・ミュンヘンでのへべれけの夜

2022-09-03 21:38:31 | Ron's Life Story


From Vienna, I took another overnight train to Munich(ミュンヘン), Germany. In Munich, all I can remember was drinking more beer than my body was prepared for. In the hostel, I met a couple of traveling American girls, and they wanted to go out on the town. So, off we went. In a beer hall, we met a couple of Danish guys traveling around. I think everyone in the whole place was plastered, and a German fellow came over to us. He had heard us speaking in English, and he wanted to voice his views of American policy on a few issues. I don’t remember what the issues were, but I do know he was very proud to be German, and the Americans were somehow inferior. Anyway, the five of us (the two American girls, the two Danish boys and me) quickly departed. At the next place the Danish guys mentioned that is a problem they have with the Germans. Also, they mentioned that Denmark is the largest countries in Europe. They included Greenland, a Danish territory. Anyway, I spent the rest of the night with my head in the toilet. Munich was also a beautiful city to me and a city of great engineering. Years later, I would travel there many times on business. It is in the heart of Bavaria(バイエルン), the southern region in Germany and where BMW headquarters is.





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Ron McFarlandの Personal Journey (3-g) : 人生初めての長旅 - イタリアから隣国オーストリアへ

2022-08-27 18:33:35 | Ron's Life Story




Florence was to me even more impressive than Rome.
The art and history left pictures in my mind that have not gone away in more than three decades.
That was equally true in Venice where I went next.

Venice was as beautiful as Florence but was underwater in many areas.
Just watching the gondolas floating along is a real sight on it own.
With the climate change problem worldwide, protecting Venice will be a real challenge.
Also, Venice along with Genoa were the great trading ports throughout history.
They were the gateway to Asia at one time with the travels of Marco Polo.

From Venice, I took an overnight train to Vienna, Austria, which to me was the city of classical music.
I went to nothing but concerts. One every day.
When I was in junior college in Sacramento, I was forced to take an art related class.
I selected “Music Appreciation” and went to classical music concerts in Sacramento for the class.
Now, I learned where most of that music came from.





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Ron McFarlandの Personal Journey (3-f) : 人生初めての長旅 - ローマの休日

2022-08-21 11:04:33 | Ron's Life Story

In Rome, I was running all day long and right into the night. I stayed at a youth hostel and went around the city with other people staying there. I was stunned by the art and architecture. When the three American girls came in, I was literally sleeping on the ground by the fountain. They started taking pictures of me lying there on the pavement. As soon as one girl tried to prop me up to take a picture of me with my arm around her, I woke up. I should have just stayed asleep. I spent two wonderful days with those girls and played the role of their official chaperon and guardian.


When in Rome, I met up with an American Architecture student from Notre Dame University in the United States that was studying one year in Florence. He said, if I needed a place to stay, they could put me up, as most of his roommates were traveling. So, I had a place to go to in Florence. One interesting thing I learned about myself when on my own is that I’m more open to people and my surroundings. When I am with someone or even in a group, my attention is mostly on them. Being alone, I was opened to all kinds of things. It was a new awareness for me.





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Ron McFarlandの Personal Journey (3-e) : 人生初めての長旅 - ギリシャからイタリアへ

2022-08-14 11:33:48 | Ron's Life Story

From Athens, I took a ferry toward Brindisi, Italy with a night stopover on the island of Corfu. On Corfu, I enjoyed observing the simple life of local fishermen. I also learned for the first time that there are long lunches around the Mediterranean. People go home for lunch at 12:00 usually. They have a light lunch and then go to bed for about two and a half hours. They wake up at 3:30 or 4:00, open their shops and such and go back to work. Typically, the workday ends at 8:30 or 9:00 in the evening. Well, the dumb American woke this poor fellow up at 1:00 PM to make me lunch. That was also the first time I went into a fish restaurant and selected among many fish on a plate, which one I wanted.

The next day, I carried on to Italy, immediately got on a train and headed for Rome. On that train, I met three American girls who were heading for Naples. We had such a good talk on the train that we decided to meet up in Rome at the Fountain of Trevi two days later.






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Ron McFarlandの Personal Journey (3-d) : 人生初めての長旅 - イスラエルからギリシャへ

2022-08-07 11:32:29 | Ron's Life Story

From Israel, I was off to Europe and on my own for the first time. Up until that time, all my international travel had been with friends and family. Now, I was totally on my own and heading for unfamiliar languages, custom and territories. This required some courage, but here again, I did not want a little fear to prevent me from having great adventures and experiences that would stay with me my entire life. Those memories are still strong today as I think of them.

I flew from Israel to Athens, Greece with my Euro Train Pass, guidebooks on cheap hotels and cheaper youth hostels. In Greece, I got the first real impact of how deep that regions' history is. The Acropolis, in the center of Athens, fascinated me. Just sitting with an espresso coffee looking at people going about their day gave me a great deal of peace all by itself.





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Ron McFarlandの Personal Journey (3-c) : 人生初めての長旅 - ヨーロッパそしてイスラエル(3)

2022-07-31 11:12:36 | Ron's Life Story

On my sister’s Kibbutz, they produced grapefruit for export to Europe, milk (They had a dairy farm.), and grindstones (abrasive products). My sister worked in the clothing and seamstress section. She made towels and mended work clothes. Years later, those abrasive products were my competitor against the Japanese company I was working for. I frequently saw them at exhibitions around the world. I would visit their booth, talk to the Israeli person there and explain that I visited them decades ago. The Kibbutz is called Kibbutz Sarid and near Haifa They were kind enough to explain how their Kibbutz had changed over the years.

Bonnie met her husband (Julian) there on that Kibbutz. He was from South Africa and worked in the dairy. So, Julian would wake up at 03:00 AM to go milk the cows.

I was in Israel for a month, about two weeks in the Kibbutz and the rest of the time traveling around the country. I had no idea at that time that I would have the chance to make repeated trips to the country years later for work, providing sales training to Isuzu Motors dealership salesmen there. I saw the Golan Heights in the north and all the way down to Sharma Shek in the South. At that time, Sharma Shek was part of Israel, but it was returned to Egypt years later in a peace agreement. I found the country fascinating.





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Ron McFarlandの Personal Journey (3-b) : 人生初めての長旅 - ヨーロッパそしてイスラエル(2)

2022-07-24 08:10:26 | Ron's Life Story







From London, I flew to Israel to visit my sister, Bonnie. When I was studying in San Jose, Bonnie decided to save up her money and live on a Kibbutz in Israel to learn more about the Jewish religion and the Hebrew language. She went to work on a Kibbutz that specializes in teaching the religion. Kibbutz is Israel’s way of setting up protective communes. The Kibbutz’s set up businesses (mostly agricultural and manufacturing operations), have schools, dormitories, cafeterias, medical clinics, and a wide range of recreational facilities. There are sports teams, social activities and a wide range of studies. Depending on the type of business they are in, there are rich Kibbutz and poor Kibbutz. The one thing common among all is that the pay is very low, but you have all the necessities of life. Some Israelis love that type of life, some hate it. This concept has even been exported with Israelis going overseas, setting up business and asking their home Kibbutz to lend them contract workers. Here again, the overseas operation takes care of everything, but the pay is very low, quite often below minimum wage. The Chinese have done similar types of activities to get cheap labor in their restaurants in many countries outside of China. Also, I guess you could think of them as the business model that many Japanese companies set up after World War II when they set up dormitories for employees because many people lost their homes. The company provided full living support.





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Ron McFarlandの Personal Journey (2-i) : サンノゼのシェアハウスの仲間たち(4)

2022-06-19 13:50:06 | Ron's Life Story

Another person in the R & W House was Tom Tang. He was from Hong Kong, and we were not that close, but one summer a friend of his who was studying in the UK came to visit. His name was Jimmy Chan, also originally from Hong Kong. He went away to a British boarding high school, and then continued on to university and graduate school in mathematics in London. Well, we became the best of friends and are still in contact today, over 40 years later. He now makes his home outside of Toronto, Canada.

Over the years after first meeting in San Jose, I met Jimmy in London in 1972. Then, after he graduated in London, he moved back to Hong Kong. So, I met them there around 1978. After that in around 1980, he came to Japan, and we met here. In 1997, China was to take over Hong Kong from the UK, so he moved to Canada as I mentioned. I have met him twice in Toronto. It is interesting that we have been able to meet in so many places. Speaking of Toronto, he took me to lunch in the Chinese community in Toronto to meet his friends. It was like a little Hong Kong, as so many people from Hong Kong moved there. I felt like I was in a different country and not Canada. I have had quite a global adventure with Jimmy. We share Christmas letters every year even now.





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Ron McFarlandの Personal Journey (2-h) : サンノゼのシェアハウスの仲間たち(3)

2022-06-11 23:51:44 | Ron's Life Story





Also, there was Sam Fisk. He was from UC Berkeley and extremely smart. He was in San Jose in a Master’s program in Psychology. He later dropped the program and decided to transfer to San Francisco State University and pursue a Masters in mobility and orientation for the blind. When he was studying there, he shared a room in a house in Oakland. I moved up there also a few years after graduating and share a room in that same house. The owner of the house had a business, and I did some outside selling for him. I was not particularly successful at that selling job but learned that I like outside selling. After Sam graduated, he got a job in Hawaii. I have met him many times over the years in Hawaii with my family. We have been close friends ever since.





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