2011-05-12 | What makes me comfortable

Last Monday, I went to my first "real" YOGA class.

My friend Yuko who is an owner of "Hana Canna" , body salon in Horie, Osaka is the insructor for this new class and surprisingly she only charges 1000yen for almost an hour and half class. So when she announced that she will start teaching yoga class, i was like "why not?!"

Only problem is yoga class is held in Tamatsukuri, Osaka which is almost near Osaka castle where my granma lives, so so so so far, from my Monday work. I work in Okubo, Akashi city until 530 on Mondays and yoga class also happen to be every Mondays! But then I thought, "this is a good chance to visit my granma!" since from yoga class to her place is a walking distance.

There were 7 ppl all total men and women, and it was the first time or everyone. I felt good about it, i mean if i was the only one who had no idea what to do, i would totally feel embarassed....

although i realized i had forgotten my yoga clothes and i had to rush to 100yen shop to buy a t-shirt, i was reliefed to see almost everyone wore a t shirt or some sort, nothing too yogalike. haha

My favorite part of the yoga session was when she said

"Let your body worry about it, and you can relax"



yeah, and we rested, for about 5 minutes, and for second, i really, felt that i "flew" somewhere, or I moved to some different world until she said "ok, now slowly come back to your heart"  i was totally out, i think i was even dreaming and felt really relaxed after that. like i had a good sleep. how amazing!

it wasnt a difficult stuff, some of the poses were new and my body needs to get way more flexibile to be like her, but i could feel some changes in my body especially my bottom bones and back. Breathing and relax is almost all it is, there is nothing complicated ^^ but i guess it is hard to be simple when you TRY to be simple because you are "thinking" too much about being "simple" i hope you are getting this, hahaha

anyways, its great for me, and i feel really reliefed about my friend being a teacher so i will go to this class whenever i can!! 

Thank you teacher!!! I will do some light yoga poses before bed every night!!!! i feel great!



2 コメント

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healthy   (dazu)
2011-05-17 18:37:53
i feel so much healthier now〓
interesting class! (chuchuchie)
2011-05-12 23:55:56
aren't yoga classes suppose to be really expensive?? your friend is really nice to make it affordable for everyone.

i didn't know that men liked to do yoga! wow, you learn something new every day :)

btw, i forgot to say how excited i am that there's only 17 more days left before you come to Taiwan! :D