


2005-11-27 00:00:05 | オークション
1840 (30 June) long entire letter sent from "H.M.S. Conway on Eastern Expedition" addressed to Stevenage and redirected to Whitby, rated "8" (which has been crossed through) and with G.B. 1840 1d. black, plate 9, JB (small to large margins) tied by black Maltese Cross and applied to pay the forwarding charge; the reverse with unframed "liverpool/ship letter" partly overstruck by red London transit c.d.s. and Hertford c.d.s. dated 1841 (18 Feb.). Exceeding rare, probably unique, use of the Penny Black on mail from China. The contents (with transcript) written from the Chusan Group at Buffalo Island, give a detailed account of the order of battle as well as the taking of Chusan. "... the Wellesley fired one gun, which was immediately returned by seven from the Chinamen. Up went the signal to 'open fire', which all the ships did & pretty smart for about 8 minutes. ...the Wellesley was hit in 4 places & Alligator 3 times & our little schooner once, but nobody killed." The letter goes on to the taking of the city and the discovery of a great deal of spirit and listing which regiments behaved and which fell for the lure of the alcohol. There is a postscript to this letter, written by C.R. Veeld, dated 10th July, presumable added just before the mails departed. A desirable letter from the Eastern Expedition at the start of this conflict and is one of the earliest letters sent from this battle group (another letter dated 10th July is recorded).
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