
「弱い文明」HPと連動するブログです。 by レイランダー

ガザの人々への連帯メッセージ・英訳 Part1

2009年01月24日 | パレスチナ/イスラエル


On the 17th of January, we held an emergency gathering in Kumamoto against the Israeli military's attack on Gaza. We listened to reports from Gaza including one from a native of Gaza , displayed photos of the disastrous situation in Gaza in the street, handed out flyers and collected signatures, with Palestinians, Egyptians and Japanese hand in hand.
At that time, I came to know about the fundraising efforts for Ahli Arab Hospital. Reading the newsletters, I came to know about the actual Palestinian situation and had the internal urge to do so something in response to the cry of the people in Gaza who may feel abandoned by the international community.
At Christmas time, our children had created poster at the church and called for people, children and grownups, to make donations. Right after that, the attack on Gaza started.
I came up with the idea of street fundraising because I felt there must be people who want to do something for the people of Gaza but who did not know what they can actually do. I wanted to show how we can help in a concrete manner. On the day of fundraising, I created a flyer featuring excerpts from newsletters that I distributed with supporters. My three sons who are six, eight and ten of age, stood in the street holding a poster and a donation box. Behind them, stood a Buddhist monk from the True Pure Land (Jodo-Shin) sect who, in a loud voice, called for donations. A larger number of people than I had expected stopped by and gave us donations. Especially, there were many young people who appeared to be in junior high school and high school. I could tell that there are many people who find what is happening in Gaza to be horrifying and who wanted to do something about it.
I am sure that those who made donations that day, regardless of the amount of money, will take more interest in Palestine than before, when they see and listen to what is reported in the newspaper and on television. I hope that many people will be interest in and know about the realities of Occupation and that it helps improve the situation in which the Palestinian people find themselves.
January 21, 2009 Message written by MIYAGAWA Michiko
Stop the Israeli Attack on Gaza - Kumamoto Action Committee

Both domestic and overseas situations are getting worse and violence in the Middle East is getting serious every day. Life is getting difficult and uncertain. I have been very resentful with the way super power countries, such as Israel, America, Russia and China are behaving. I am also very bothered with the way our foolish and irresponsible politicians, bearcats, business leaders are behaving as well as some defense forces are acting.
I am sending following 9 folk songs for which I wrote lyrics. (The songs were popular hits of 40 years ago, but I wrote lyrics to dedicate the cause of violence in Palestine and Tibet. Others are hit songs of 42 years ago but I wrote lyrics for social justice, anti-war and environmental issues.). The introduction also includes domestic issues (which include issues of digital terrestrial broadcasting and introduction of jury system in Japan and issues of temporary workers). I added my opinion at the end of the introduction. Please refer to it. (I have sent several folk songs).
ITO, Atsushi
(*スペースの都合により、lyricsの掲載は割愛させていただきます ─ レイランダー)

We hope the process to make peace should open as soon as possible in Palestine. Here is so little donation, but we hope your smile will be back.
The United Church of Christ in Japan, Saito Church

There is a word from Takato's blog: "the most dangerous thing is no word, no power". I want to raise my voice in such a way.

We want to send some for you from donation for Christmas. We pray for you.
Seiai Kindergarten

We feel so bad hearing the news of Gaza everyday. We always pray for Palestine.
United Church of Christ in Japan, Hanyu Church

I want the co-representative to go to Gaza, and if they would be wounded, it should be the best way to get much attention.
Iwanaga Tatsuro

Appeal from the people who wrote "FREE GAZA ころさないで(Please don't kill)" with candles.
We have got together in front of Atomic bomb Dome in Hiroshima on the evening of Jan 16, 2009. It is aimed at making the letters "FREE GAZA ころさないで" with candles, and sending this message to the people in the world, including you. We express our deep concern over what occurs in Gaza now. We sincerely ask you to carry out an "immediate, durable and fully respected ceasefire", for unimpeded provision of humanitarian assistance and the reopening of crossing points into Gaza, observing UN Security Council resolution 1860 adopted on Jan 8, 2009, without delay. We urge you stop killing and save the people in Gaza. We, who are now in front of Atomic bomb Dome in Hiroshima which has the history of genocide by Atomic bomb, feel deep sorrow for what Israel, which has the historical background of tragedy of Holocaust, has been doing in Gaza now.
When Shimon Peres, who are the president of Israel now, visited Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum in November 1997, he left the message, “Our heart is with the victims of Hiroshima.” If the heart of Israeli people are “with the victims of Hiroshima”, Israel should stop non-humanitarian acts, lift the blockade on Gaza, and observe international rules. We believe that it is the only way which is combined “with the victims of Hiroshima” to do as above. We send this appeal to you with the picture describing the letters we have just made with candles.
January 16, 2009 From the people who joined making the candle message, "FREE GAZA ころさないで"@ Atomic bomb Dome in Hiroshima

This money is for remonstrant movement against Israel.
Koyanagi Nobuaki, Reiko

We won't forgive Israeli massacre of citizens!
Chiba Nobuyoshi

Thank you for devoting your energy for Gaza citizens. I pray for peaceful day to come without further delay, together with the world wide prayer.
Yoda Yasuko

Please use this for children of Gaza. Though this is not very much for I am a pensioner but this is more than I can give (so that others might give more).
Sugiyama Mie

I can only feel anger at Israeli violence and US and Japanese power that support it. As I recognise that I live within the framework that supports it as a Japanese.
Horie Yuri

Can't help much but I will be watching how this goes. I just want to protest against Israel. Please somehow, survive!
Settu Tadashi

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