

初北海道旅行終了! First Hokkaido Trip: Complete!

2012-02-09 | 人生


The Japanese title kind of looks like Chinese...



I got back from Hokkaido yesterday morning. (At four AM! I can't believe I made it in to work the same day!) There were four of us Americans who went in a tiny little compact car so it was tight, but still surprisingly okay. The car ride itself took 12 hours total, and including the ferry time and waiting time, it was a 20 hour trip one way. Japanese don't seem to really do road trips, but to Americans it's an obvious part of enjoying a trip. My friend has a car, so I was really glad to be able to go on a Japanese road trip for the first time. But since it was us in a little compact, I'm sure everyone around us was seeing us like that picture.




Things that were especially fun/good:

Even though the temperatures in Hokkaido were colder, the air is moist so the dry freezing air in the Kanto region I live in is so much worse! Plus the buildings up north are made to be warmer, so I'm jealous! (I just could never stand how anywhere you go, it's extremely slippery.)


友達と2人でぶらぶらして札幌の雪祭りのアイスバーでホットワインを飲んでいたところ、友達がブラジルのテレビ局の人にインタービュされました すっごく面白かったですが私も一応入っていましたのでインタービュしているところの写真を撮れませんでした。


When I was wandering with my friend around Sapporo's Snow Festival and we were drinking hot wine at the outdoor Ice Bar, my friend was interviewed by a Brazilian television station. It was super interesting, but I was in the camera shot too, so I wasn't able to break out my camera.【break out (something):~を取り出す】

The channel number was the only thing written on the microphone so it really sucks that I can't look it up online.



I went to both the Sapporo Snow Festival and the Otaru Lights Festival, so I took a ton of pictures! I thought I would upload them but I realized I never got my SD card back from lending to my friend. If it ends up that I lost my card, I'll have to have my friend send the files back to me. Sooo the pictures shall be later on...



