Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳:日米防衛装備協議が初会合 共同開発、整備協力を推進

2024-06-10 06:57:41 | Translation

Ref.>"海上保安庁、超巨大巡視船を建造し尖閣に投入へ 全長 200メートル、3万トン級 ⇒ ネットの反応「護衛艦『いずも』を白く塗って『Coast guard 海上保安庁』と書けばどうかね」"

> DICAS 日米が防衛装備協力で初会合

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; To promote joint-development and maintenance-cooperation = the 1st meeting of the DICAS was held

>"日米防衛装備協議が初会合 共同開発、整備協力を推進"

> 日米両政府は9日、防衛装備品の共同開発・生産や整備での協力推進を話し合う「日米防衛産業協力・取得・維持整備定期協議(DICAS)」の初会合を防衛省で開いた。
> インド太平洋地域の抑止力強化や相互運用性の向上が狙いで、4月の首脳会談で新設に合意していた。

On June 9, Japanese and U.S. government held the first meeting of their Defense Industrial Cooperation Acquisition and Sustainment Forum (DICAS) in Tokyo, in order to talk about promoting cooperation in joint development, production and maintenance of defense equipment.
It's aimed to upgrade deterrence in the Indo-Pacific Region and improvement of interoperability, which was agreed at the summit meeting in April.

> 日本側は深沢雅貴防衛装備庁長官、米側は国防総省で兵器調達を担当するラプランテ次官が出席。
> ウクライナ支援を続ける米軍の弾薬不足を補うため、地対空誘導弾パトリオット(PAC3)の生産体制強化などミサイル分野での連携のほか、日本の民間施設での米軍艦船や戦闘機などの整備が議題となる見通しだ。

Masaki Fukasawa, commissioner of Japan's Acquisition, Technology & Logistics Agency, on the Japanese side and U.S. Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment William LaPlante participated in it.
Other than cooperation in the missile field in order to strengthen production system of surface-to-air guided Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC3) in order to make up for insufficient ammunition of U.S. Forces which continuously supports Ukraine, it's forecasted that maintenance of U.S. Forces' vessels and fighter jets will be agendas.

> 10日には両国企業を交えた会合のほか、愛知県で F35戦闘機の組立工場を視察する。
> 協議の進捗は、7月下旬にも行う外務・防衛担当閣僚による日米安全保障協議委員会(2プラス2)に報告し、具体的な協力を加速させる。

On June 10, other than a meeting including companies in the both countries, they will inspect an assembly factory of F-35 fighter jets in Aichi Pref.
The progress of talks will be reported at a U.S.-Japan Security Consultative Committee ("2+2") by ministers in charge of foreign and defense, and make the concrete cooperation be accelerated.

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