Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;門田隆将(作家・ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 6/27)

2024-06-27 23:27:51 | Translation

Ref.>"韓国調査船、竹島東方の EEZで再びワイヤ投入"

>"【韓国】サムスン電子 515人がエヌビディアに移籍"




Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 6/27)


> 凄まじい反日教育で幼い頃から日本への憎悪を植えつけ、日本への核攻撃を囃し、能登地震には大喝采、そして蘇州日本人母子襲撃事件の犯人を "英雄だ!" "よくやった"と誉め讃える国。
> 敬意を以って付き合った胡耀邦時代の中国が懐かしいがそんな感傷に浸る時ではない。
> どう核抑止力を高め、国民の命を守るか。
> 総裁選の最大争点にしてほしい

This is a country that instills hatred towards Japan from an early age with horrific anti-Japan education, cheers for a nuclear attack on Japan, praising the Noto earthquake, and praises the perpetrator of the attack on Japanese mother and child in Suzhou as a "hero!" and "well done."
I miss China during the "Hu Yaobang" period, when we interacted with each other with respect. However, now is not the time to wallow in such sentimentality.
How can we upgrade nuclear deterrence and protect the lives of the nationals?
I want this to be the biggest issue in the LDP presidential election.


>"中国で4月にも日本人男性の切りつけ事件 当局発表やメディア報道なし"


> 中国がウイグル族やチベット仏教徒らの弾圧を継続し、信教を理由に「1年間で最大1万人以上を収監した」と米国務省 2023年版報告書。
> 改めてブリンケン国務長官がウイグル族への "ジェノサイドと人道に対する罪"で中国を痛烈批判。
> 日本は既にその途轍もない国に蹂躙され放題だが…

The 2023 U.S. State Department report states that China continues to oppress Uighurs and Tibetan Buddhists, and "imprisoned up to 10,000 persons in one year" for their religious beliefs.
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken once again fiercely criticized China for "genocide and crimes against humanity" against the Uighurs.
However, Japan is already being trampled on by this outrageous country...

>"中国はウイグルやチベットの宗教弾圧継続 米国務省「信教理由に1万人を収監」と非難"


> 凄まじい反日教育と、ネットでの日本への核攻撃礼讃で、着々と核ミサイル発射の国内コンセンサスを得つつある中国。
> 蘇州日本人母子襲撃事件では中国世論が犯人を大絶讃。
> 橋本琴絵氏が1928年3月、中国人が南京にいた日英米の民間人を大規模襲撃した "南京事件"に始まり、中国への対処をいかに日本が誤ってきたか考察。
> 平和ボケした日本の国会が信じ難い

China is a country, which has been steadily gaining domestic consensus for launching nuclear missiles through fierce anti-Japan education and online praise of a nuclear attack on Japan.
In the Suzhou attack on Japanese mother and child, Chinese public opinion was full of praise for the perpetrator.
Kotoe Hashimoto considers how Japan has mishandled its dealings with China, starting with the "Nanjing Incident" in March 1928, when Chinese persons launched a large-scale attack on Japanese, British and American civilians in Nanjing.
It's hard to believe the Japanese Diet with peace at any cost mindset.



> > ミサイルに複数の弾頭を搭載する "多弾頭化"に向けた弾頭部分の分離 & 誘導の試験を行い "成功した"と朝鮮中央通信。
> プーチンから迎撃不可能の核ミサイル "アバンガルド"の技術供与を受けるなら、その前に "自ら技術革新"とのアピールが必要。
> 早速やり始めたようだ。
> 勿論、中国も北朝鮮も日本への攻撃が視野

The KCNA reported that (* N. Korea) "successfully" tested the separation & guiding of warheads in order to realize "MRV" (* multiple reentry vehicle) to install plural warheads into a missile.
If it's provided technology from Russian President Vladimir Putin for uninterceptable nuclear missile "Avangard," it at 1st need to demonstrate its "own technological innovation."
It seems that they have already begun to do so.
Of course, both China & N. Korea are considering an attack on Japan.


>"北朝鮮、ミサイル多弾頭化の分離・誘導の試験 「成功」と報道"


> 有事における軍事支援明記の新条約をロシアと締結したばかりの北朝鮮の平壌で約10万人が参加した 6.25 "反米大集会"開催。
> 参加者は "最強の戦争抑止力を百倍、千倍にして我々の偉業に立ち塞がる者に終末をもたらす"と。
> 日本の安全保障環境は悪化の一途。
> それでも平和を唱えていれば "平和が続く"と思っている日本人。
> 幸せな人達だ

A "massive anti-U.S. rally" on June 25 in Pyongyang, N. Korea, which just concluded a new treaty with Russia specifying military support in time of contingency, in which approx. 100,000 persons participated.
Participants declared that "We will multiply the strongest war deterrent power by a hundred or a thousand times and bring an end to those who stand in the way of our great achievements."
Japan's security environment has been continuously deteriorating.
But even so, Japanese believe that if only they continue to advocate peace, "peace will continue."
They are happy persons.


>"北朝鮮 朝鮮戦争勃発 74年で大規模な反米集会 10万人余が参加"


> 1か月以内に北朝鮮がウクライナに工兵を派兵する事に世界が衝撃。
> 誰も "工兵だけ"など信じていないからだ。
> 事実上の北の参戦。
> 迎撃不可能のロシア核ミサイル "アバンガルド"の技術提供など、中露北の新・悪の枢軸によって世界は第3次大戦に引きずり込まれる。
> それでも日本は "平和ボケ媚中政治家"の政権たらい回し?

The world is shocked that N. Korea will send military engineers to Ukraine within a month.
The reason why is that nobody believes that it will be "only military engineers."
This will effectively be N. Korea's entry into the war.
The world will be dragged into W.W.III by the Sino-Russo-N. Korea "new axis of evil," such as to provide technology of Russia's impossible-to-intercept nuclear missile "Avangard."
Nevertheless, does Japan still administrative rotation among "peace at any cost mindset pro-China politicians"?

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