Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳:杉田水脈総務政務官の更迭求めデモ 自民党本部前で「差別を許すな」 岸田首相の任命責任を問う声も

2022-12-11 06:35:56 | Translation


> 杉田水脈政務官の更迭を求めます 緊急連帯抗議デモ

Translation; PM Fumio Kishida's appointment responsibility is questioned too -- "not to tolerate discrimination," a rally in front of the LDP headquarters to require to dismiss Parliamentary Vice-Minister for the MIC Mio Sugita (LDP)

>"杉田水脈総務政務官の更迭求めデモ 自民党本部前で「差別を許すな」 岸田首相の任命責任を問う声も"

> 性的少数者(LGBTQ)や在日コリアン、アイヌ民族らへの差別発言を繰り返し、一部を謝罪・撤回した杉田水脈みお総務政務官の更迭を求めるデモが10日、東京・永田町の自民党本部前で行われた。
> 約120人が集まり「人種差別を許さない」「ヘイトスピーチをやめろ」と書いたプラカードを掲げ、岸田首相の任命責任を問う声も上がった。

On Dec. 10, a rally in front of the LDP headquarters in Nagatacho in Tokyo to require to dismiss Parliamentary Vice-Minister for the MIC Mio Sugita (LDP), who repeatedly made discriminately remarks to sexual minorities (LGBTQ), Korean residents in Japan and ainu ethnic group, and partically retracted.
Around 120 persons participated in it, held up placards that read such as "not to tolerate racism" (* not to tolerate discrimination between LH lawmaker Naoto Kan (CDPJ) and her) and "Stop hate speech" (* stop hate speech against LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP)) and it's voiced to grill PM Fumio Kishida's appointment responsibility too, (* while not to grill responsibility of the CDPJ leaders, which never denounced Naoto Kan).

> LGBTQの有志グループが主催し、SNSも含めて約 400人が参加。
> デモ会場では、ゲイの山縣やまがた真矢さん(55)が「ヘイトや差別発言が積み重なり、当事者は恐怖を感じている。そういう空気を許しているのは、杉田氏らの発言によるところが大きい」とスピーチ。
> 在日コリアン4世の大学生は「私たちの毎日を踏みにじることをこれ以上繰り返さないで」とメッセージを寄せた。

It was organized by a group of LGBTQ volunteers, in which around 400 persons participated in it including social media.
Shinya Yamagata (55), who is gay, gave a speech at the site of the rally, saying that "Hate and discriminatory remarks pile up, and the people concerned feel fear. That kind of atmosphere is largely due to the remarks by (* not only LH lawmaker Naoto Kan (CDPJ) but also) Sugita, etc."
A college student who is a 4th-generation Korean living in Japan sent a message, saying that "Don't repeat things that trample on our daily lives."

> デモ後、主催者は自民党本部を訪れ、首相や杉田氏らに宛てた政務官辞任を求める要請文を提出した。
After the rally, the organizers visited the LDP headquarters, and submitted a request in writing to the PM and Sugita to require the Parliamentary Vice-Minister to resign.

> 杉田氏は、2016年にブログに書き込んだ「チマ・チョゴリやアイヌの民族衣装のコスプレおばさん」との表現や、18年の月刊誌への寄稿でLGBTQについて「生産性がない」と評したことについて今月2日、松本剛明総務相の指示を受けて謝罪・撤回した。
> 一方、8日の参院法務委員会では「私のつたない表現で差別したかのように伝わってしまった」などと答え辞任の考えはないことを表明している。

Concerning the expression in her blog entry in 2016 that "Even chima-jeogori (hanbok) and aged female(s) in Ainu costume" and the comment in her contribution to a monthly magazine in 2018 that LGBTQ was "not productive," on Dec. 2, she retracted them and apologized, after directed by Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Takeaki Matsumoto.
On the other hand, at a UH legal affairs committee on Dec. 8, she answered such as that "Due to my clumsy expression, it's conveyed as if I discriminated," and expressed she had no will to resign.

> とある出版社の超電磁砲 1/4

> とある出版社の超電磁砲 2/4

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> とある出版社の超電磁砲 4/4


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