Irresponsibly Writing Japanese



2023-05-08 10:02:03 | Translation



>"下半身まひのはずがスタスタ歩く… 韓国で労災補償金を不正受給する「ニセ患者」たち"

> 詐欺師が多すぎて、家に引きこもる韓国人

In short, it means that PM Kishida was welcomed by the head of "con artists" in S. Korea.
Therefore, he must realize and never forget that "I must neither take Yoon Suk-yeol at his words nor trust him."
On the other hand, what does matter is "return a favor for a favor" (* that's the diplomacy).

↓(See detail of this article)、朝鮮日報の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of the Chosun Ilbo)

Translation; [Everything Minister]. The RoK is a "scam powerhouse"


> 100年前、ある詐欺師がフランスでエッフェル塔を売り払った。
> この詐欺師は、第1次大戦の余波でパリ市が財政難に陥り、エッフェル塔の修理費を出すのも大変な有様-というニュースを見てアイデアを思い付いた。
> 政府高官を装い、金物商6人を最高級ホテルに呼んだ。
> 落札欲に目がくらんだ1人を集中的に攻略し、前金や賄賂を巻き上げて外国へ逃亡した。

100 years ago, a scammer sold the Eiffel Tower in France.
The scammer came up with an idea after reading the news that "Paris is in financial trouble in the aftermath of WWI, and it is difficult to pay for the repair of the Eiffel Tower."
He pretended to be a high-ranking government official and called six "hardware dealers" to a luxury hotel.
He said that "(Paris) has decided to sell the Eiffel Tower as scrap metal," made them keep from speaking that, saying that "an auction will be proceeded secretly."
He intensively attacked one person who was blinded by his or her greed for winning the bid, deprived advance money and bribes, and fled abroad.

> 同じころ、大西洋を渡った米国では、チャールズ・ポンジという人物がこれまで世の中になかった詐欺の手口を開発した。
> 彼は国際郵便に返信用として同封する切手に投資すれば国家間の切手の時価差額を利用して3ヶ月で100%の収益が出ると称し、投資家を募った。
> 後発投資家のカネで先行投資家に収益金を支払う詐欺だった。

Around the same time, across the Atlantic in the U.S., a person whose name was "Charles Ponzi" developed a fraud scheme that had never existed fefore.
He claimed that if you invested in postage stamps enclosed in international mails for reply, you could make a 100% profit in three months by taking advantage of the difference in market prices of stamps between countries, and solicited investors.
It was a fraud to pay the profit to the early investors with money of the late investors.
The "Ponzi scheme" has become a classic method of fraud.

> 大同江の水を売ったという神話の中の人物、鳳伊・金先達(キム・ソンダル)から、医療機器リース事業に投資すれば高収益を保証するとだまして4兆ウォン(現在のレートで約4050億円。以下同じ)台の被害を生んだ曹喜八(チョ・ヒパル)、コイン詐欺でワールドクラス級の手配者になった「テラ」創業者の権渡衡(クォン・ドヒョン)など、挙げればきりがない。
> 最近問題になった、住宅賃貸時に預託する高額の保証金(伝貰〈チョンセ〉)を返還しない「伝貰詐欺」の主犯、仁川の建築王も衝撃的だ。
> 実に 2800棟で詐欺を働いた。

If there were a "Hall of Fame of Scammers," many (S)Korean scammers would be named, including "Pong-i Kim Son-dal," a mythical figure who sold water of the Taedong River, and the list goes on and on;
* Cho Hee-pal, who caused 4 trillion won level (approx. \405 billion level at the current exchange rate, the same shall apply hereinafter) damages by deceiving the investors in the medical equipment leasing business by guaranteing high profits.
* Kwon Do-Hyung, the founder of Terraform Labs, who became a world-class wanted person for coin (* crypto) fraud.
The chief culprit of the "jeonse fraud" -- which has recently become a problem, which the large security deposit [jeonse], deposited when renting a house, is not neccesary to return -- is also shocking.
Surprisingly, fraud was carried out at 2,800 building.
It has pioneered a new genre called "S. Korean-style gap investment fraud."

> 世界の各国では、犯罪件数トップは「窃盗」だが、唯一韓国では「詐欺」が1位を占めている。
> しかも、毎年急増する勢いだ。
> 詐欺犯罪の件数は、2011年の 22万件から 2020年には 35万件と、10年間で 60%も増えた。
> 経済協力開発機構(OECD)加盟国の中では韓国が詐欺犯罪率1位で、14歳以上の国民100人に1人の割合で毎年誰かが詐欺に遭っているという統計もある。
> 詐欺罪での告訴があまりに容易な状態が誇張されているとの説明もあるが、他人をだまし、うそをつくことを大したことだとは思わない文化に原因を求める人も多い。

\Theft is the number one crime in many countries around the world. However, only in S. Korea, "Fraud" is number one.
Even worse, there is a momentum of increasing rapidly year after year.
The number of fraud crimes has increased by 60% in one decade, from 220,000 in 2011 to 350,000 in 2020.
There is statistic(s) that S. Korea has the highest rate of fraud crimes among the member countries of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and one in 100 persons at 14 years old or older is scammed every year.
There is an explanation that the condition is exaggerated that prosecution for fraud is easy too much. However, many persons attribute it to the culture where deceiving and lying to others is not considered as serious.

> 世界各国の価値観調査で、「ほとんどの人は信用できる」に同意する韓国人の割合は 27%に過ぎなかった。
> スウェーデン(62%)の半分にもならず、日本(39%)とも大きな差があった。
>「犯罪の代価として10億ウォン(約1億円)もらえるなら、1年間刑務所に送られてもいいか」という質問に対し、韓国の高校性の 55%が「それでも構わない」と回答した。
> 政治家は堂々と国民をだまし、スポーツ選手は八百長までやる。
> 入試ではスペック(学歴や取得資格など)のごまかしが横行する。
> 17世紀の朝鮮王朝を体験したオランダ人ハメルは「朝鮮人は他人をだましても恥ずかしくなく、むしろうまいことをやったと考える」と記した。
> 今は違うだろうか。

As the result of surveys of sense of values at countries around the world, only 27% of S. Koreans agreed that most persons can be trusted.
This was less than half of Sweden (62%), and there was a large gap with Japan (39%) too.
In response to the question that "If you can take 1 billion won (approx. \100 million) as compensation for your crime, is it acceptable for you to be sent to prison for a year?", 55% S. Korean high school students replied that "no problem."
Politicians openly deceive the nationals, and athletes conducts even match-fixing.
In entrance exams, deception about specification (educational background, qualifications, etc.) is rampant.
A Dutchman who experienced the Yi dynasty in the 17th century, "Hendrick Hamel," wrote that "Koreans are not ashamed of deceiving others, rather they think they did a good job."
Is it different now?

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