Irresponsibly Writing Japanese



2022-12-11 04:03:50 | Translation

Ref.>"尖閣周辺に中国船2隻 37日連続航行"



> 国基研チャンネル 第275回 今の防衛費増額の議論には異論あり!増税ありきでは経済を駄目にする

Translation; On "International Human Rights Day," China beefs up monitering and applies pressure on pro-democratization power and human rights lawyers


> 中国当局は「世界人権デー」の10日、人権派弁護士や民主派の活動への監視や圧力を強化した。
> 例年この日に抑圧を強めており、法的根拠が不明なまま軟禁されて1年になる弁護士もいる。
> 中国では「ゼロコロナ」政策への抗議活動が続発したばかり。
> 強権体制そのものへの批判もはらんでいたため、当局は再燃を警戒する。

On Dec. 10, the International Human Rights Day, the Chinese authorities stepped up monitoring and pressure on human rights lawyers and pro-democratization activists.
Every year, on this day, the suppression is strengthened, and there is even a lawyer who have been under house arrest for a year without knowing the legal basis.
China has just witnessed a series of protests against its "zero COVID-19" policy.
The authorities are on alert to resurgence, as it included criticism to the authoritarian regime itself.

> 人権派弁護士、王全璋氏の北京の自宅は9日夜から当局者らに包囲された。

Authorities surrounded the house of human rights lawyer Wang Quanzhang in Beijing since night on Dec. 9.
Another pro-democracy activist also revealed on Dec. 10 that he or she was under surveillance.
Tang Jitian, a human rights lawyer, disappeared on Dec. 10 last year.
According to his family, he has been under house arrest by the authorities for a year.

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