Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;東京都、発言をヘイト認定 朝鮮人追悼巡り

2024-08-09 06:25:54 | Translation




>"【韓国】ウェブトゥーン売上、去年よりマイナス成長か ピッコマなど保有のカカオ"

> 差別団体「そよ風」による横網町公園「偽慰霊祭」への抗議(朝鮮人犠牲者追悼碑前) - 2023.9.1 東京都墨田区

Translation; Tokyo Metropolitan Government recognized remarks made at a rally over memorial service for Korean victims (* whose number is not 6,000 or more but 230 or so) to be hate speech

>"東京都、集会発言をヘイト認定 朝鮮人追悼巡り"

> 昨年9月1日に東京都墨田区であった「朝鮮帰れ」などの発言について、都は8日までに、都人権条例に基づきヘイトスピーチと認定した。
> 発言の審査を申し出た男性によると、関東大震災の朝鮮人犠牲者追悼碑近くで、保守系団体が催した集会の参加者が発した。

By Aug. 8, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government recognized that comments made in Tokyo's Sumida Ward on September 1 of last year, including "Go back to Korea," were hate speech, in accordance with the Tokyo Human Rights Ordinance.
According to a male who applied to screen the remarks, the comments were made by participant(s) at a rally held by a conservative organization near the memorial monument for the Korean victims (* whose number is not 6,000 or more but 230 or so) in the Great Kanto Earthquake.

> 都人権部によると、有識者による審査会の意見を踏まえ、他に「おまえらはごみ」「日本に要らない」といった発言をヘイトスピーチと認めた。
> 発言者や場所の詳細は公表していない。
> 男性によると、集会は保守系団体「そよ風」が追悼碑がある墨田区の都立横網町公園で開き、開催に抗議する人たちの方向に発言がなされたという。

According to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's Human Rights Dept., taking an opinion of a review committee of experts into consideration, other remarks such as "You are trash" and "you're not necessary for Japan" were also recognized as hate speech.
Details of who made the remarks and where they are not opened.
According to the male, the rally was held by the conservative organization "Soyokaze" at Tokyo Prefectural Yokoamicho Park in Sumida Ward, where the memorial monument is located, and the remarks were made in the direction of those (* unfairly and unlawfully) protesting to holding the event (* which was properly applied and permitted).

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