Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳:「侵略路線を公式化」 安保3文書、北朝鮮が批判

2022-12-21 03:14:11 | Translation


>"【韓国報道】北朝鮮に対する日本の「反撃能力の保有」… 韓国「領土問題で一歩も退くことはできない」"



> N. Korea warns of 'actual action' against Japan's new counterstrike policy

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; "Having formalized its invasion-oriented security strategy," N. Korea criticized the Japan's three security documents

>"「侵略路線を公式化」 安保3文書、北朝鮮が批判"

> 北朝鮮外務省は 20日、日本政府が閣議決定した「安保3文書」で「反撃能力(敵基地攻撃能力)」の保有などを明記したことに反発する談話を発表し、「日本の新たな侵略路線の公式化」と非難した。
> 16日の閣議決定後、北朝鮮が文書に言及するのは初めて。

On Dec. 20, N. Korean Foreign Ministry released a statment to be displeased by that possession of "counter-strike capability (enemy base attack capability)" was specified in the "three security documents," which were approved at a cabinet meeting, and criticized that >"having formalized its invasion-oriented security strategy."
It's the 1st comment on the documents by N. Korea sice the cabinet approval on Dec. 16.

> 談話は、日本側が新たに規定した「反撃能力」について、「合法的な自衛権保有とは全くかけ離れた、徹頭徹尾、他国を打撃するための先制攻撃能力」だと主張。
> 北朝鮮は「安保3文書」閣議決定後の18日、弾道ミサイル2発を発射。
> 北朝鮮メディアはミサイル発射について「偵察衛星の開発に向けた『重要実験』」だったと報じていた。

The statement asserted Japan's newly stipulated "counter-strike capability" that "It's a preemptive strike capability that is completely different from the legal possession of the right of self-defense, and is thoroughly aimed to strike other countries."
It stated that >"In response to Japan's move to realize unjust and excessive ambition, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) will continue to show how much we are concerned and displeased with actual action."
N. Korea fired two ballistic missiles on Dec. 18 after the "three security documents" was adopted at a cabinet meeting.
Media in N. Korea reported that the missile firing was an "[important test] for the development of a reconnaissance satellite."

> 一方、金正恩(キム・ジョンウン)朝鮮労働党総書記の妹、金与正党副部長も 20日に談話を発表。
> 11月に発射した大陸間弾道ミサイル(ICBM)や偵察衛星の技術水準を否定的に分析する韓国の専門家らに反論し、「じっくり振り返ってみろ。われわれがすると言って、できなかったことがあったのかを…」などとつづった。

On the other hand, the younger sister of General Secretary of the WPK Kim Jong-un, vice director of the party Kim Yo-jong also released a statement on Dec. 20.
She counterargued against S. Korean experts who negatively analyzed the technological level of the intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) launched in November and the reconnaissance satellite, saying that "Look back properly. Whether or not there was anything what we said we would do but failed."

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