Irresponsibly Writing Japanese



2022-12-30 17:50:04 | Translation

Ref.>"今年の KOSPI、時価総額 430兆ウォン消えた"

>"李明博元大統領に恩赦、韓国大統領府の呪いは解けた?-- 中国メディア"


> 韓国・李明博元大統領 恩赦受け自宅に戻る| ニュース 2022年12月30日 | FT NEWS

↓(See detail of this article)、朝鮮日報の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of the Chosun Ilbo)

Translation; Former President Lee Myung-bak who pardoned due to special new year presidential pardon


> 新年特別赦免で4年9ヵ月ぶりに赦免・復権を受けた李明博元大統領が 30日午後、入院治療を受けてきたソウル市鍾路区のソウル大学病院を退院し、ノンヒョン洞の私邸へ移動しているところ。
Following photos show that former President Lee Myung-bak -- who was granted pardon with reinstatement due to special new year presidential pardon for the 1st time in four years and nine months -- was discharged from the Seoul University Hospital in Jongno District in Seoul City on Dec. 30 afternoon, where was hospitalized and treated, and is moving to his house in Nonhyeon-dong.

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2022-12-30 12:07:14 | Translation


>"韓国の高速道路で火災 5人死亡 37人けが"


> Yoon calls N. Korean drone intrusion "utterly unacceptable"

Translation; "Si vis pacem, para bellum," President Yoon Suk-yeol expressed to confront with N. Korea = S. Korea


> ユン・ソギョル(尹錫悦)大統領が 29日、北朝鮮の挑発に断固たる報復という強硬対応に出ると明らかにした。
> 尹大統領は「われわれは平和のために圧倒的に優越した戦争準備をしなければならない」とし「力による平和」を再度強調した。

On Dec. 29, President Yoon Suk-yeol revealed his position to take hawkish measures of firm retaliation agaist provocations by N. Korea.
President Yoon once again emphasized "peace through strength," saying that "We must be ready for war overwhelmingly in order to maintain peace."

> 尹大統領は同日午前、テジョン(大田)市ユソン(儒城)区の国防科学研究所(ADD)を訪問し、「われわれの自由を侵す行為に対する確固たる報復だけが、われわれの自由に対する攻撃と挑発を抑制できる」と述べた。
> それと共に「戦争を考えない、戦争に備えない軍はありえない。私たちが平和を得るためには圧倒的に優越した戦争準備をしなければならない」と声を高めた。

On that day morning, President Yoon visited for Defense Development (ADD) in Yuseong District (Daejeon City) and said that "Only firm retaliation for acts against our liberties can deter attacks and provocations against our liberties."
Along with that, he emphasized that "There can be no forces that does not think about war and does not prepare for war. In order for us to secure peace, we must be ready for war with overwhelming superiority."

> 尹大統領は 26日、北朝鮮の無人機5機が韓国側領空を侵犯し、一部はソウル上空まで侵入した後、連日強力な対抗メッセージを出している。
> 尹大統領は前日の大統領室参謀陣との会議でも「北朝鮮のいかなる挑発にも確実に報復せよ。北朝鮮に核があると恐れたり、ちゅうちょしたりしてはならない」と指示している。

After five S. Korean dorones violated the S. Korean territorial airspae and one of them intruded into air over Seoul on Dec. 26, President Yoon has issued strong comfrontation-messages everyday.
At a meeting with staff of the Presidentail Office on the previous day, President Yoon also directed that "Surely retaliate against any N. Korean provocations. Don't be afraid or hesitant because N. Korea has nuclear weapons."

> 現場で尹大統領は無人機など飛行物体と関連した対応システムの見直しを要請し、「非対称戦力を強化させようとする北朝鮮に対応し、既存の韓国軍の戦力増強計画も全般的に見直す必要がある」と強調した。
On the site, President Yoon requested a review of response-systems related with flying objects such as drones, and emphasized that "In response to N. Korea's attempt to upgrade its asymmetrical force, it's also necessary for us to review the existing S. Korean military strength enhancement plan in general."

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2022-12-30 11:08:12 | Translation

Ref.>"韓国の輸出は 2023年第1四半期「ほぼ全滅」の予測"

>"【韓国】KOSPIまた 2300割れ 一向に上がる気配ない"

>"【韓国】KOSPI 2300割れ 今年1年で 2989→ 2236へ 25%暴落"

> 日本国大使館前から中継

Translation; Seven years has passed since Japan-S. Korea CW agreement


> 日本と韓国が旧日本軍の従軍慰安婦問題の解決を確認した合意から 28日で7年となり、元慰安婦の女性らを支援する団体はソウルの日本大使館付近で開いた集会で「屈辱的合意」だと批判した。

Dec. 28 is the 7th anniversary of Japan-S. Korea CW agreement (2015), with which Japan and S. Korea confirmed settlement of military (* not true) comfort women issue of the former Japanese forces. An organization (* formed by the Korean Council for Justice and Remembrance for the Issues of Military Sexual Slavery by Japan" (the Korean Council) and other 610 civic organization) criticized it as "humiliating agreement" at a (* Wednesday) rally held near the Japanese embassy in Seoul.
When it comes to former conscripted workers issue, which the two countries are seeking compromise, they appealed that "We oppose a hasty solution."

> 支援団体の李娜栄理事長は「被害者が排除され、市民が無視された外交的合意」と指摘。
> 元徴用工問題で「加害者ではなく韓国企業の寄付金で(原告に)補償する案が進んでいる」と非難した。
> 日韓合意は 2015年、安倍晋三政権と朴槿恵政権が結んだ。
> 韓国側で反発が強く、続く文在寅政権が事実上白紙化した。
Lee Na-young, president of the Korean Council, pointed out that "It's a diplomatic agreement, in which the victims were excluded and the citizens were ignored" (* CW issue was already settled finally and irreversibly. Japan is therefore nothing more than a 3rd party now, and it's purely S. Korean domestic issue).
When it comes to former conscripted workers issue, she criticized that "A plan is proceeded to compensate (to the plaintiff) with the donation of the S. Korean company, not the assailants. (* S. Korea has realized its economic growth with money Japan paid based on Japan-RoK Basic Treaty (1965). Therefore, it's rational that S. Korean companies offer necessary money. In other words, the embezzler was then President "Masao Takagi" (Park Chung-hee), who was once a military officer of the Japanese forces in Manchuria").
Japan-S. Korea CW agreement was signed in 2015 between the Shinzo Abe administration and the Park Geun-hye administration.
The South Korean side has been stronlgy displeased, and the following Moon Jae-in administration was virtually invalidated it.

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2022-12-30 09:31:22 | Translation


>"中国発ミラノ便、乗客の半数がコロナ陽性だった… イタリア政府、全乗客の検査を義務付け"

> US approves sale of up to US$180 million in Volcano anti-tank munition-laying systems

Translation; The U.S. will sel anti-tank anti-tank mine-laying systems to Taiwan to upgrade deterrence, while taking China in mind


> 米国務省は 28日、台湾への対戦車地雷システムの売却を承認し、議会に通知したと発表した。
> 総額1億8千万ドル(約 240億円)規模。
> 中国から軍事圧力を受ける台湾の抑止力を強化する狙いがある。
> バイデン政権は台湾関係法に基づき、台湾が自衛のために必要とする武器の調達を後押ししている。

On Dec. 28, U.S. Dept. of State released that it approved the sale of (* Volcano) anti-tank mine-laying systems to Taiwan, and notified it to U.S. Congress.
The total amount is for an estimated $180 million (approx. \24 billion) scale.
It's aimed to upgrade Taiwanese deterrence, which is applied military pressure from China.
Based on Taiwan Relations Act (TRA), the Joe Biden administration has pushed back arms-procurement, which Taiwan needs for its self-defense.

> 売却は台湾の要請に応じたもので、地雷や敷設する車両、訓練用装備などが含まれる。
> 台湾への軍事支援は超党派で支持されており、議会も承認するとみられる。
> 台湾総統府の報道官は、中国軍の弱点を突いて侵攻を阻止する「非対称の戦闘」能力を向上させるとして謝意を表明した。

The sale will be done in response to the request of Taiwan. This includes mines, vehicles for laying them, and equipment for training.
Military support for Taiwan has bipartisan support, it's therefore forecasted that U.S. Congress will approve that too.
A spokesman for Taiwan's Presidential Office expressed its appreciation, saying that it would improve its "asymmetric warfare" capabilities to exploit Chinese military weaknesses to deter aggression.

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翻訳:安倍元首相の銅像設置の台湾の廟、日本にも寄贈の意向 -- 中国メディア

2022-12-30 08:45:35 | Translation

Ref.>"香港から撤退の海外企業は前年比 71社減 中国企業は同 34社増で対比鮮明に"

>"中国の SNSで「桃缶が新型コロナに有効」の噂流れる 政府系報道機関は否定に躍起"

>"【安倍晋三氏銅像】台湾・廟を管理する張主任委員「安倍氏の台湾に対する貢献と支持はお金で測ることはできない」→ 新たな銅像を作り、日本に寄贈する意向"

> Tsai receives delegation of Japanese parliamentarians

↓(See detail of this article)、レコード・チャイナの記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of Record China)

Translation; The temple, which erected a statue of former PM Shinzo Abe, showed its will to donate the one to the Japanese side = media in China

>"安倍元首相の銅像設置の台湾の廟、日本にも寄贈の意向 -- 中国メディア"

> 中国ニュースサイトの観察者網は 28日、今年9月に安倍晋三元首相の等身大の銅像を設置した台湾高雄市の廟、紅毛港保安堂が、同じデザインのものを日本側に寄贈する意向を示したと報じた。
On Dec. 28, (* a news website in China) reported that the Hongmaogang Baoan Temple -- a temple in Kaohsiung City in southern Taiwan which erected a life-size statue of former PM Shinzo Abe in last September -- showed its will to donate a same-designed one to the Japanese side.

> 記事によると、自民党の世耕弘成参院幹事長は 27日、同廟を訪れ、銅像の出来栄えについて「本物みたい」と語った。
> 廟を管理する張吉雄氏は、日本側から購入の意向があったことを明らかにし、販売ではなく寄贈する考えを示したという。

According th the article, UH LDP Secretary General Hiroshige Seko visited the temple on Dec. 27, and commented on the workmanship of the statue that "It looks like the real one ."
Temple president Chang Chi-hsiung allegedly revealed that the Japanese side showed its will to purchase one, but he showed his thinking to donate one, not sell.

> この話題について、中国の微博(ウェイボー)利用者からは「ここまで日本に媚びるのは、全アジアで台湾だけ」「日本は(台湾を統治した)50年間に台湾省に多くのものを残した」「数典忘祖(物事の根本を忘れる、自国の歴史に無知)な人は、人とは呼ばれない」「植民地思想は揺らがない」「平和統一は永遠に不可能だ」などのコメントが寄せられた。
In response to the tipic, Chinese users of Weibo are posting comments as follows;
"Taiwan is the only place in Asia that flatters Japan so much."
"Japan has left a lot of matters in the Taiwan province during 5 decades (of its ruling Taiwan period)."
"A person (who forgets matters fundamentally and is ignorant of his or her country's history) can't be described as a human being."
"Colonial thought is unwavering"
"Peaceful unification will be impossible eternally."

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