「レスター・レヴェンソンのリリーシング」- I'm trying to show you the entire way.

Lester:「私は、あなたに全ての道を案内しようとしています。」 2015-10-04-09:45JST

解放する6つのステップ - 3

2013-05-26 20:50:28 | releasing
解放する6つのステップ - 3

Freedom Is Lesson 09 The World You Create Happiness Peace Self Help Personal Development

Lesson 09 -The World is Just as You Create It


Today's points:
1. Take a look inside and see the Master or Kahuna you already are.

Kahuna has always meant "keeper of the secret". It is another term for master, as there were kahunas for every trade and activity in ancient Hawaiian culture, not just mystic healing or surfing.

Now, you don't have to have money, a big house, servants, or numerous sexual partners to be a success. And you very definitely don't want to have to have someone else's approval about what makes your success. There are Masters who walk this earth and they need not be famous or wealthy or outrageously lucky.

My point here is that you are looking for personal freedom, above and beyond any fame or fortune. The society around you worships these ego-traps. That doesn't mean you have to. You have to want freedom more than you want the world. And once you get yourself on that route, you'll walk it right on out.
2. Your pet can teach you something about life - Unconditional Love dissolves all.

Where people get into trouble is when they expect that they have to be loved. Those people have this limited and backward. Love is a two-way street, but you are best served to simply always and continuously give it away for free. As you release, you then have fewer and fewer reasons not to give love to everyone you meet.

When you do start doing this again, then of course you will then find love coming back to you from all sorts of places, not just your pets. Good old Golden Rule again. And as you love, you create - so the world-and-universe around you changes perceptibly.
3. This world we live in is filled with every reason not to continue and not to regain your Freedom.

That Freedom - your own perpetual and personal peace and happiness - they all lie within as they always have.

There's no real difference between where you start and where you end up - because you are only changing the world around you by changing your attitudes toward it - just by letting go of the thoughts, feelings, and emotions which aren't and never have helped you become more free or have greater peace.
4. The trick is to get the ego to undo the ego, the mind to undo the mind.

As we've covered before, the mind and the ego are mostly composed of fiction. You've set up various thoughts as solutions to problems and hold them in place so you have a ready answer to anything that comes in front of you.

By concentrating on a given subject, all manner of these thoughts-feelings-desires packages present themselves for releasing. Use the mind to present the very things you need to release on the most.

Of course, you have to try this before you can know how well it works for you.
5. You can take the easy way out to achieve your personal freedom.

By releasing, you are simply taking the effort out of everything. So anything you try to do or achieve, or acquire - these become far easier and simpler. This explains the phrase "miracles as usual".

And this can take you to the point where you simply enjoy all of life and living - having the perfect moment at all times.

Factually, you may have to do a considerable amount of releasing before it gets easy at all to do this. But you can meanwhile look forward to having an effortless life as you do. Maybe even think of it as the "Lazy way to enlightenment".
6. How to take control over everything that happens to you.

As you go through life, and as you take more and more responsibility for your life and the world around you, it gives you more to release. And as you release, it is easier to sort out things, fix things, or simply let them be in their own perfect moment as you encountered them.

What you are clearing out of your life is the bad control. And replacing it with pleasurable responsibility - not blame, but sensible and harmonious action which helps you and everyone around you that is somehow involved.
7. Answer this - How does Helping Others Help Me?

Mostly, this can't be answered by our modern schools, colleges, and universities. Because they are stuck into a very solid reality that everything is separate from everything else. Enjoy your connectedness.

Whenever you are helpful to someone, you are helping yourself. As you cheer someone else up, you are putting a smile on your own face. The more love you spread, the more love you feel.

The real fun is in making the movie, not watching it. Life is like that.

Help yourself out. Start helping everyone you meet.

- - - -

And today's assignment should be really fascinating.


Again, these points are each their own essay in the book. And these lessons are simply an additional way to understand what's written there. If some of this is too abbreviated, read that section of the book again.
1. Take a look inside and see the Master or Kahuna you already are.

This isn't a common idea in self help. Most of them are saying you are going somewhere, rising to new heights. I say you are just getting rid of all the stuff you've collected which keeps you down. It's just native to have a lot of talent and genius abilities. Keep working at your goal and releasing. As you do, look around for "serendipitous synchronicities" which tell you how you already know how to do this stuff - and what steps on your plan can be made more efficient.
2. Your pet can teach you something about life - Unconditional Love dissolves all.

In order to get what you want, start looking for ways you can just give openhandedly. Holding doors open, remembering a birthday or other celebration, simply smiling in order to lighten up someone's day. The more you give away, the more you get back. Set this up on a daily basis to give away at least your smile. Make this infectious.
3. This world we live in is filled with every reason not to continue and not to regain your Freedom.

Figure that there are a lot of vested interests in keeping things the way they are. But you don't have to threaten their control, security, or needing approval in order to get your own Freedom. Just work out your own goal and keep releasing. But realize the indicators of being opposed and release on that to get your intuitive action to take. Watch for coincidences. Incorporate these into your planning updates.

4. The trick is to get the ego to undo the ego, the mind to undo the mind.

4. トリックは、自我に自我(心を元に戻すという気)を元に戻させることです。

One point of keeping your goal in mind is that this will give you points you need to release on. And that is why goals are pushed in these lessons. Your mind will give you the exact points you need to handle in order to get your Freedom back. Recognise these, release them, and look for intuitive guidance for your daily actions.


5. You can take the easy way out to achieve your personal freedom.

5. 個人的自由を達成するために安易な解決手段をとることができます。

As you release, it gets more effortless to move through this world. And with less effort, the more "miracles" start happening around you. This is the reason to get releasing as an "always on" condition. You want to make achieving your goal as easy as possible. So incorporate releasing every chance you get into all your daily work. Review your successes every day to see how you could improve how you are progressing toward your goal. Release during these reviews.

あなたが解放するように、それはこの世界の中を移動する方が楽になる。と少ない労力で、より多くの "奇跡"はあなたの周りに起こって開始。これが条件"常にオン"と解放を取得する理由です。あなたは、可能な限り簡単にあなたの目標を達成したい。ですから、すべてのあなたの毎日の仕事に得るあらゆるチャンスをリリース組み込む。あなたがあなたの目標に向かって進んでいる方法改善できるかを見るために毎日あなたの成功を確認します。これらのレビューの間にリリースします。

6. How to take control over everything that happens to you.

6. あなたの身にふりかかるものすべてに対する制御をとる方法。

You release the bad control around you and any examples of bad control which come up. You want to treat people they way they would like to be treated. So give them great control, and help them as much as you can. In your review sessions, release on any bad control or enforced security or demanded approval you may have gotten during the day. Get back into feeling a calm, cheerful expectancy all during the day. That's why you release over lunch time...


Stay Tuned for Lesson 10....

Where we begin to find out more about this Ulitimate Freedom you already have within you...

私たちは、あなたがすでにあなたの内に持っているこの究極の (Ultimate) 自由についてもっと知り始めますか...

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