「レスター・レヴェンソンのリリーシング」- I'm trying to show you the entire way.

Lester:「私は、あなたに全ての道を案内しようとしています。」 2015-10-04-09:45JST

The Human Game - 人間ゲーム More From Robert Scheinfeld - 02

2013-05-11 10:23:06 | 参考-話題 (opinion)
The Human Game - 人間ゲーム More From Robert Scheinfeld - 02

The Human Game― More From Robert Scheinfeld

I recently introduced (or reminded) you about the work of Robert Scheinfeld in the post Busting Loose― And Introduction To the Work of Robert Scheinfeld, which featured three of Robert's videos. If you haven't viewed yet, please do. Fascinating. And, here's more about...

人間ゲーム - ロバート・シェーンフィールドからより多くです


The Human Game

Who you really are is a magnificent being who lives in a constant state of limitless power, abundance, wisdom and Joyfulness. Your natural state is also one of having an unlimited desire and ability to express creatively. A popular phrase for describing this is "We are Spiritual Beings having a physical experience." That experience is "The Human Game."
By Robert Scheinfeld





You are an infinite spiritual being and you came to this Earth plane to play the Human Game!


Scheinfeld As we begin our Journey To The Infinite together, it's very supportive for you to briefly review the premise and process of this work. As you know, this work is specifically designed to challenge you to totally expand your view of who you are, what your life is really about, and where you're headed. The premise is simple.


Who you really are is a magnificent being who lives in a constant state of limitless power, abundance, wisdom and Joyfulness. Your natural state is also one of having an unlimited desire and ability to express creatively. A popular phrase for describing this is "We are Spiritual Beings having a physical experience." I call who you really are your "Expanded Self."


Coming from the expanded and infinite state I just described, you decided you wanted to play a game― for the sheer fun, pleasure and challenge of playing. That game is called "The Human Game" and it's a game that's played entirely in consciousness― in "the mind" if you will. I realize you've been taught the human experience is a lot more "serious" than a game, but if we're going to work together, you must understand my perspective.

ゲームは「人間のゲーム」と呼ばれます。また、完全に意識の中でなされるのはゲームです - 「心」の中で、する場合。

Like any other game, The Human Game has its own set of unique rules, regulations and structure, which I'll discuss in a moment. I'm fond of comparing the mechanics of creating and playing The Human Game in consciousness to the making of a movie and often call the human experience a "Total Immersion Movie Experience."


I'm a big fan of the TV and movie series called Star Trek. In that show, there's a concept called "The Prime Directive." The Prime Directive is a core principle that guides the actions of the crew of the Starship Enterprise as they explore space. The Human Game has a Prime Directive too. It's to fully explore the experience of limitation and restriction― to explore what happens when you limit the unlimited power, infinite ability to express creatively, infinite wisdom and abundance that's your natural state.


As a result, The Human Game is designed to be jam packed with all sorts of limiting and restrictive ideas and experiences. Concepts like death, poverty, loss, fear, pain, shame, struggle and sorrow have been created in The Human Game like hurdles on a track.


The game, then, is for you to play The Human Game, experience severe limitation in the creation of consciousness called "3 Dimensional Reality," then eventually jump over the hurdles and back into full awareness of the infinite nature of who you really are.


To play a game, you must have "players." The Human Game works the same way. Players take the shape of Parents, siblings, relatives, neighbors, teachers, friends, enemies, associates, etc. The roles other Players play in your Game are very similar to the roles actors and actresses play in the making of a movie. That is, they say what you ask them to say and do what you ask them to do to support you perfectly in playing your Human Game exactly the way you want to play it. There's an unconditional commitment from each Player to support every other Player in playing The Human Game.


Since who you really are is an Infinite Being, in order to play The Human Game, you must use all your power, creativity and consciousness to wipe out every last trace of memory of who you really are, how much power you have, how much wisdom you possess, and your natural state of infinite abundance. As a result, to play The Human Game, you must create the Illusion of splitting yourself into two parts:


1. Your Expanded Self― which is who you really are with all your power, wisdom and abundance, who manages all aspects of The Game from behind the scenes

2. The Player― who totally immerses himself or herself within the illusion of The Human Game and doesn't remember who he or she really is or what he or she is capable of.

1. あなたの拡張した自己 - あなたが本当に舞台裏からのゲームのすべての側面を管理する人は、すべてのあなたの力、知恵と豊かにしている人です。(どれが、誰と実際にいるか、あなたのすべての力、知恵および有り余るほどの量。この人は場面の背後からのゲームの様相をすべて管理する)

2. プレイヤー - 全く人間ゲームのような錯覚の中(幻覚内)で自分自身を浸し、彼または彼女が実際にあるか、何が彼または彼女の能力が誰であるかを覚えていない(また、彼または彼女が実際に誰か、あるいは彼または彼女が何に有能か思い出さない)。

The Player is the part of you who's reading my words right now. It's who you've always thought yourself to be.


Words get tricky here, but it's important to understand that while The Player and Expanded Self feel and appear separate, they're actually one and the same Infinite Being that's united at a very deep and profound level. The apparent separation is all an Illusion created by what you might call "sleight of hand" in consciousness.


As part of "the forgetting process" that's required to play The Human Game, your Expanded Self chooses the form of a helpless, tiny infant who's totally dependent on conditions outside its control to begin The Human Game. Once you (The Player) are born (and in some cases while you’re still in the womb prior to being born), your Expanded Self starts creating experiences that begin the process of forgetting, limiting and restricting you. In the popular success and self-help literature, this process is called "programming" or "conditioning."


From the moment you're born, you actually begin "hiding" your tremendous power, wisdom and abundance from yourself, and convincing yourself you're actually the complete opposite of who you really are.


You also convince yourself those hiding places are so painful, dangerous, scary and deadly that they must be avoided at all costs. The process of forgetting, limiting and restricting yourself is what I call "Phase 1" of The Human Game...


